- The dom between lovers is like an overdue check that you can ownit forever but can not turn it in cash. 情人之间的自由就如同过期的支票,你可以继续拥有,但却无法兑现。
- The freedom between lovers is like an overdue check that you can ownit forever but can not turn it in cash. 情人之间的链接标记自由就如同过期的支票,你可以继续拥有,但却无法兑现。
- The freedom between lovers is like an overdue check that you can own it forever but can not turn it in cash. 情人之间的自由就如同过期的支票,妳可以继续拥有,但却无法兑现。
- Never get a lover that no one can replace, otherwise you will be easilyreplaced. The freedom between lovers is like an overdue check that you can ownit forever but can not turn it in cash. 千万别交一个无法替代的 情人 ,否则你就会成为那个可以替代的情人。情人之间的 自由 就如同过期的支票,你可以继续拥有,但却无法兑现。
- It automatically sends out an overdue signal. 它会自动发出误点信号。
- How much is the fee for an overdue book? 过期的书要付多少钱?
- He arrived back just in time to avoid an overdue thunderstorm. 他刚好及时回来,躲过了迟来的大雷雨。
- an overdue check 过期支票
- For example, you can use the conversation timer to keep an application from waiting too long for an overdue response. 例如,可以使用会话计时器避免应用程序过久地等待过期响应。
- Automated e-mail notifications can be sent to borrowers who have an overdue item. 可以向具有逾期借出物的借方自动发送电子邮件通知。
- You have an overdue balance at this time. If you need help with a payment plan, we would be glad to assist you. 此时你正好有比较充裕的余额,如果您需要我们帮助制定付款计划,我们会非常乐意提供支持。
- And a by-product of the credit crunch seems to be an overdue market re-evaluation. 信贷紧缩的一个副产品似乎成了市场一次迟到的再评估。
- As an overdue notice from a library attests, two people in different places cannot use the same book at the same time. 注意图书馆的使用证明,两个人在不同的地方不能同时使用同一本书。
- What's happening for you in 2009 involves an overdue awakening. A recognition. A taking on of responsibility. 2009年你要经过的事会包含过期的觉醒。察觉。要承担的责任。
- We refer to our letter of the 4th September in which we drew your attention to an overdue account amounting to $3,579,00. 他们查阅九月四日给贵公司的信,其中提醒贵公司尚欠之款达三千五百七十九元。
- Anyone who has had an overdue pregnancy knows that midwives recommend nipple stimulation and/or sex to bring on contractions. 那些有过晚育经验的人知道中年女子建议乳头的刺激和、或性来引发收缩。
- But the grim reality is that the nuclear dance preoccupies American chiefs, precluding an overdue appraisal of the horrors the North Korean state metes out to its people. 但冷酷的现实是现在核舞蹈占据了美国领导阶层的全部注意力,他们无暇评价北朝鲜强加于其人民身上的种种惨状。
- The spectacle of Beijing's playing a lead role at global summits, where Tokyo is generally invisible, has been almost universally greeted as an overdue promotion. 中国在全球峰会扮演重要角色的景象,被广泛视为一次迟到的晋升,而日本在这样的峰会上几乎无人注意得到。
- Breach of contract damages and compensatory damages shall be paid within ten days after liability is clearly established, or else the matter shall be handled as an overdue payment. 第三十一条违约金、赔偿金应在明确责任后十天内偿付。否则按逾期付款处理。
- Article 32 Breach of contract damages and compensatory damages shall be paid within ten days after liability is clearly established, or else the matter shall be handled as an overdue payment. 第三十一条违约金、赔偿金应在明确责任后十天内偿付。否则按逾期付款处理。