- Outright viciousness; an outright coward. 明显的恶意; 十足的懦夫
- The statement was an outright lie. 这话是十足的谎言。
- I don't see what an outright is. 但我不明白什么是单零交易。
- an outright manner 坦率的态度
- No one party is expected to gain an outright majority. 没有任何政党可望获得绝对多数。
- A few are given a fair chance of winning their primary and general elections, but none is an outright favorite. 其中一部分人得到了在初选和大选中获胜的公平机会,但没有一个人是真正最有希望的获胜者。
- An aide was already spinning the senator's defeat as 'almost as good as an outright win'. 一名助手已经开始将那位参议员的失败描述成“几乎是大获全胜”。
- Now an outright is if someone wants to buy Deutschmarks and sell dollars on any particular day. 还有单零交易就是,如果有入要在某天买入德国马克卖出美元,
- Edward Copisarow of Children with Leukaemia called for an outright ban on building near powerlines. 关注儿童白血病的组织则呼吁全面禁止在高压电缆塔附近兴建楼房。
- For bonds to rally further requires a recession, but we believe the risk of an outright recession is very low. 债券若要进一步反弹就需要出现经济衰退,但我们相信出现彻底衰退的风险非常低。
- Some states, including New Jersey, Maryland, Montana and Nebraska, are already moving towards an outright ban. 包括新泽西、马里兰、蒙大拿和内布拉斯加在内的一些州已经正在迈向完全的禁止。
- Vincenzo Morabito said: "My client Alain Boumsong will leave only for an outright sale, a loan does not interest him. 莫拉比托称:“我的球员布姆松将只有被卖出,他对出租好不感兴趣。
- "By itself (with a smile, almost an outright laugh): The truth of the matter is far more spectacular. “自言自语(带着微笑,差不多大笑):事物的真相远更宏伟壮观。
- Despite winning sympathy over the blasts in Karachi, the PPP probably cannot win an outright majority. 尽管卡拉奇爆炸事件博得众多同情,人民党可能仍然无法在大选中获得绝对多数。
- But it will probably take a recession, in America and elsewhere, for therecent wobbles to turn into an outright crash. 但它可能会在将来经历衰退期,无论是在美国还是在别的地方,只要现在的震荡最终转变为彻底的崩溃的话。
- Earlier this year a Chinese government report suggested an outright export ban for the scarcest rare earths. 本年初的一项中国政府报告甚至建议禁止出口最珍贵稀土。
- The candidate did not have enough votes to secure an outright win in the election. 该名候选人的票数不足以使他在选举中大获全胜。
- In fact, Miss Bhutto's party was not expected to win an outright majority in the election. 事实上,人们没有期望布托的政党在选举中会赢得明显的大多数席位。
- She looked at him in an adoring manner. 她以崇拜的眼神看着他。
- Although unlikely to secure an outright majority under the complex electoral system, the Maoists could be in a position to lead a coalition government. 尽管在这种复杂的选举体系中不太可能立即保证获得多数议席,但是毛派政党可能组成并领导一个联合政府。