- absolutely perfect language 绝对完善语言
- Java is not the perfect language for every problem. Java不是每个问题的最好语言。
- You know, English is a perfect language for jokers! 你知道,英语很适合开玩笑的人。
- "I don't care," said the old cook, with lidded eyes, and I told Japhy and he said, "Perfect answer, absolutely perfect. “我才不管,”他眨了眨眼睛,回答说,我把这事告诉贾菲,他说:“绝妙的回答,绝对是妙极了。
- Darwin used the beehive as an example of evolution, saying it “was absolutely perfect in economising labour and wax”. 达尔文将蜂房作为进化论的一个例子,说,“这在节约劳力和蜂蜡上是非常完美的”。
- It shocked her to realize that anyone as absolutely perfect as Ashley could have any thought in common with such a reprobate as Rhett Butler. 这使她大吃一惊地发现,原来一个像艾希礼这样绝对完美的人,也居然会跟一个像瑞德 - 巴特勒那样的无赖汉抱有共同的看法呢。
- The performances by Greg Kinnear, Toni Collette, Steve Carell, Alan Arkin, Paul Dano and Abigail Breslin are absolutely perfect. 葛瑞格肯尼尔、东妮克蕾特、史蒂夫卡瑞尔、艾伦阿金、保罗丹诺和艾碧盖儿布瑞斯林的搭档演出简直天衣无缝。
- Dogs trained to aid people with epilepsy are rare because they have to be absolutely perfect in their responses and reliability. 经过训练能帮助癫痫患者的小狗很罕有,因为它们必须非常可靠而且反应完美。
- TA is the world-leading brand in hydronic solutions, it is the brand that experts turn to when the solution needs to be absolutely perfect. TA是为供热制冷系统提供全面水力平衡解决方案的全球领先品牌,TA代表精益求精的技术和完善的解决方案,多年来深受专家信赖。
- Worst of all, during the honeymoon he meets another woman, Miranda (Michelle Monaghan), who seems to be absolutely perfect for him. 然而,令埃迪万万没有想到的是,他的爱情噩梦才刚刚开始。
- However, it is impossible to design any absolutely perfect system or principle.The principle of L/C's independence is also has its own inherent limitation. 然而任何制度或原则的设计都无法达到十全十美,信用证独立性原则也有其自身的内在缺陷。
- Their utterance of the less perfect language may involve a process of translation from the dominant language at a subconscious level of psychological system. 那么说得不太完美的那种语言就会在使用者的心理系统的潜意识层面上形成一个从主导语言翻译过来的过程。
- No details are too small to escape the attention of the Grand Mercure Baolong's team, where they are dedicated to ensuring your event is absolutely perfect. 现代化的视听设施以及专业的会务策划团队,是您成功举办会务及宴请的完美保障。
- Each Classic treble string is ground using proprietary centerless grinding techniques. oundness& dimension control are unsurpassed, insuring absolutely perfect intonation. Rectified nylon strings are known for their" warmer" tone. 每条高音古典琴弦均使用独家的技术进行精细的碾磨.;弦线的圆满程度和直径控制都非常出色;以确保音调的完美无暇
- Absolute perfection in a dictionary is rare. 绝对完美的词典是罕见的。
- Language teaching is both a science and art. 语文教学既是一门科学又是一种艺术。
- The Search for the perfect language 寻找完美的建模语言
- Either expecting second best or absolute perfection. 要不就最求第二要不就要绝对完美。
- There were two types of romantic irony which deeply influenced C.Marx: the irony of the current limited things and that of absolutely perfect and infinite absoluteness. 摘要深刻地影响了马克思的浪漫派反讽有两种:对当下有限事物的反讽与对绝对完美和无限绝对的反讽。
- A conception of something in its absolute perfection. 理想绝对完美事物的概念