- Zeeman效应Zeeman effect
- 效应effect
- 通过Zeeman效应扣背景,在小麦、玉米和大米的酸消化液中,分别添加6%、5%和4.5%的硝酸镍作基体改进剂,用石墨炉原子吸收剂测砷,其回收率和精密度都很好.By means of Zeeman effect deducting background, 6%25, 5%25 and 4.5%25 of nickel nitrate being respectively added to acid digestion solution of wheat, corn and polished rice as an improver of matrix, graphitic furnace atomic absorption was used to determine arsenium in grain, both recovery rate and accuracy are very good.
- Zeeman分裂Zeeman splitting
- 温室效应greenhouse effect
- 用于ZEEMAN频率测量的数字合成器Digital freguency synthesizer used with ZEEMAN frequency measurement
- 蝴蝶效应butterfly effect
- Zeeman石墨炉原子吸收法测定血清硒的研究Studies on the Determination of Serum Selenium by Zeeman GFAAS
- 品牌效应brand effect
- Zeeman火焰原子吸收法直接测定人血红细胞中的锌Direct Determination of Zinc In Red blood Cell By Zeeman Flame Atomic Aboorption Spectrometry
- 马太效应"the Matthew effect (A phenomenon in specific circles whereby one's accomplishments and reputation tend to snowball, and those with meager accomplishments have greater difficulty achieving accomplishments. )"
- 规模效应scale effect
- 协同效应synergistic effect
- 光电效应photoemission
- 边际效应marginal utility
- 名人效应celebrity effect
- 场效应管FET
- 多普勒效应doppler
- 明星效应celebrity's appeal
- 热岛效应tropical island effect