- Ask:The Wu ying xiang is which hey? 问:吴应祥是哪个哟?
- The highest form of addressing a Wushu athlete is called Wu Ying (meaning martial hero) athlete. 武术运动员最高级称谓叫武英级运动员!
- The list, there are still wind and thunder side, Neil Shen, Ding Jian, Wu Ying, Hurst Lin, and so on. 这个名单里现在还有方风雷、沈南鹏、丁健、吴鹰、林欣禾等等。
- Zhejiang Province a rich woman named Wu Ying, was born in a peasant family in Dongyang. 浙江省一名富有的女人叫吴英,出生于一个东阳的农民家庭。
- Today, I received the paper work from Xu Dai Wei, Yang Ying Ying and Wu Ying Yan from the yellow group. 今天黄组的徐代伟、杨赢赢及吴颖妍已经将他们做的春天的标本及绘画等交给了老师。
- Believing he is a wealthy hotelier, his fiancee persuades Zhao to hire her blind stepdaughter Wu Ying (Dong Jie), as a masseuse at his hotel. 经过多日的相处,盲女与赵和几工友之间透出一片温情,小女孩感受到从未有过的幸福时光。
- With an sudden exposure of her massive fortune, Wu Ying was regarded as ”billionairess” two years ago when she was only 26 years’ old. 两年前突然曝光的巨额财富,让26岁的吴英获得了“亿万富姐”的称号。
- Talks about this financial crisis, Wu Ying said that “the US financial crisis setter is some Financial company, they receive naturally the influence is also quite big. 谈到这次金融危机,吴鹰称,“美国金融危机始作俑者是一些金融公司,自然他们受到的影响也比较大。
- Wang Ping Wu Ying Wang Gang Ji Jing (Laboratory of Plant Molecule Biology; Quartermaster University; Changchun 130062); 解放军军需大学植物分子生物学研究室;
- Beijing police launch Ying Ji Olympic inspectors got rid of Wind activities 北京警方启动迎奥运整肃风纪督察活动
- Author LU Hui;CHEN Fu;WU Ying;et al.The 211th Hospital of PLA;Ha erbin 150080; 作者路辉;陈馥;吴英;杨英丽;谷素洁;杨磊明;王平;
- Professor Wu is extremely modest. 吴教授虚怀若谷。
- Aunt Wu came in, followed by her daughter. 吴大娘走了进来,后面跟着她女儿。
- Allow me to introduce Miss Wu to you. 允许我把吴小姐给您介绍。
- Lao Wu came for her at her lodgings. 老吴到她的住处来接她。
- New story of the stone is an important work of WU Ji an-ren. 《新石头记》是吴趼人的重要作品。
- Liu P, Suo QX, Yu TF.The pharmacology research on piperine.Zhongguo Yao Wu Ying Yong Yu Jian Ce. 2007; 刘屏; 索婧侠; 于腾飞.;胡椒碱药理作用的研究进展
- Ju Shanghai Han fen lou cang Ming Tianqi Wu shi kan ben ying yin. 据上海涵芬楼藏明天启吴氏刊本影印.
- Auntie Wu asked us to be quiet, then turned the television on. 吴阿姨要我们静一些,随后拧开了电视。
- One of the workers who followed in his steps as an innovator was Tang Ying. 还有一个跟他闹革新的工人,那就是唐英。