- Was breathless from running. 跑得上气不接下气的
- John was breathless after running for half a mile. 约翰跑了半英里后就气喘吁吁。
- There an old maid-servant was scolding a young girl who had run in breathless from the cold outside. 那里有一个老女仆对从奴仆那里跑来的婢女嘟嘟嚷嚷,户外的寒气噎得她喘不过气来。
- She was hot and breathless from the exertion of cycling uphill. 她骑车上山累得全身发热,喘不过气来。
- Nobody can prevent him from running the risk. 没有人能够阻止他去冒险。
- He was puffing and blowing from running. 他跑得哼哧哼哧地直喘。
- He was breathless after climbing ten floors. 爬了十层楼,他已上气不接下气了。
- I'm breathless from all the climbing. 爬得我上气不接下气啊。
- She was breathless with indignation. 她愤愤不平,气呼呼的。
- Bob was breathless with excitement. Bob激动得喘不过气来.
- breathless at thought of what I had done; breathless from running; followed the match with breathless interest. 一想到我做了些什么就感到喘不过气来;跑得喘不过气来;极有兴趣的屏住呼吸跟着火柴的光亮。
- The children are breathless as they watch the tightrope act. 孩子们在看走绳索表演时呼吸都屏住了。
- His physical strength was derived from running every day. 他的体力得力于每天跑步。
- Easily get breathless from going up and down the stairs. 上下楼梯容易气喘。
- The children were breathless as they watched the tightrope act. 孩子们在看走绳索表演时呼吸都屏住了。
- She was stout, pink-cheeked and silver-haired and always a little breathless from too tightly laced stays. 她身体结实,两颊红喷喷的,头发银光闪闪,只是胸衣箍得太紧而常常有点喘不过起来。
- My legs are sore from running the race. 因为参加了赛跑,我的腿发疼。
- By the end of the walk, she was breathless with exertion. 走到最后,她累得上气不接下气。
- I wanted to stop her from running after the ball. 我想阻止她去追那个球。
- Keep Your Kids from Running Your Life! 不要让你的孩子掌管你的生活!