- WBS编码WBS code
- 一种基于WBS编码、块编码前的压缩算法A Compression Algorithm for Predictive Processing Based on WBS Coding and Block Coding
- 将情报编码to code information
- WBSwork breakdown structure(WBS)
- WBS也就是为了完成项目所要采取的行动及里程碑的清单。WBS is the list of all activities and milestones to be carried out to complete the project.
- 极性编码polarity encoding
- 为了确保安全,我们应该对信息进行编码。We should encode the message for security reasons.
- WBS法WBS method
- URL编码URL code
- x树编码X-tree coding
- WBS-RBSWBS- RBS method
- 广义WBSgeneralized-WBS
- 较短的编码在索引时要先于长的编码。Shorter codes lexicographically precede longer codes.
- 信息编码系统中每个字符的比特数。The number of bits in each character of an information coding system.
- 视图中,单击要将WBS代码更改为字符的任务的“WBS”域。View, click the WBS field of the task whose WBS code you want to change to characters.
- 盲编码blind coding
- 链编码chain code
- 编码元coded target
- 编码域coding domain