- Group consists of Beijing TopRank Bio-Technology Co., Ltd., Zhengzhou Beltia Technology Co., Ltd., Hebei BoRui Technology Co., Ltd. 3 Berry Microbial additives and veterinary drug GMP production base. 集团下设北京拓普瑞克生物科技有限公司、郑州佰特尔科技有限公司、河北伯瑞科技有限公司三个微生态添加剂及兽药GMP生产基地。
- Founded in 1980, the province is the only silkworm medicine production enterprises in 05 countries through the Ministry of Agriculture, "veterinary drugs GMP" acceptance. 我公司创建于1980年,是省内唯一的蚕药生产企业,05年通过国家农业部“兽药GMP”的验收。
- Consideration about coming up to the standards in qualifying veterinary drug GMP 对兽药GMP验收达标工作的几点思考
- How a veterinary biologics enterprise to prepare for qualifying veterinary drug GMP 兽用生物制品企业如何准备兽药GMP验收
- The goal of veterinary drug GMP practice must be clear and definite, the task should be practicable 实施兽药GMP目标要明确、工作要实际
- Veterinary drug GMP 兽药GMP
- Directly touch the meeting of experiment exchanging between veterinary drugs GMP enterprises 直击兽药GMP企业经验交流会
- In order to manage veterinary drug effectively, it's necessary to built a set of GMP information management system. 摘要为了更加有效进行兽药GMP的管理,有必要提出建立一套可行的GMP信息管理系统。
- VICH GL10:Impurities In New Veterinary Drug Substances Nov,1999. 中国兽药典(2005)版附录,农业部兽药典委员会。
- Main animal feed, breeding, veterinary drugs. 主营饲料加工,养殖,兽药。
- Since the VICH at this point has not adopted Q7A, FDA investigators may use Q7A in inspecting manufacturers of APIs for veterinary drug use. 因为VICH目前没有采用Q7A,FDA检查官在检查兽药API生产商时可能采用Q7A。
- Recently the occurrence of residues of veterinary drug in foods of animal-orig in is an issue of popular concern around the world. 动物源性食品中的兽药残留对环境和公众的健康构成的潜在危害越来越受到重视。
- Enrofloxacin is a kind of veterinary drug which is widely applied to prevention and treatment on animal infectious disease. 恩诺沙星(Enrofloxacin)作为动物专用抗菌药,已广泛用于动物感染性疾病的预防和治疗。
- It is learned that the Ministry of Agriculture has not approved other types of substances containing ephedrine veterinary drug agents. 据了解,目前农业部未批准其他含有麻黄碱类物质的兽药制剂。
- With the development of veterinary drug residues detection technology,immunoaffinity chromatography has been widely used. 随着对兽药残留检测领域研究的不断深入,免疫亲和色谱技术得到了越来越多的广泛应用。
- In latest years, the food poisoning events happened occasionally because the pesticide and veterinary drug were slathered in animal production. 但由于生产中大量使用农药和兽药等产品,使得蔬菜、水果、茶叶等植物产品中的农药残留、动物产品的兽药残留和其他有毒有害物质超标导致的食物中毒事件时有发生,食品安全问题越来越成为社会广泛关注的焦点。
- However where identification is part of the test (e. G. Pesticide and veterinary drug residue tests) you must specify which compounds you are not analysing for. 然而如果成分鉴定是水平测试的一部分(例如杀虫剂及兽药残留轮次),则必须说明您没有对何种成分进行分析。
- In this paper, application of immunoassay technologies in detection of food contaminants such as pesticide residues, veterinary drug residue will be briefly reviewed. 免疫分析在食品安全检测中对农/兽药残留检测有着广泛的应用前景,对几种主要的免疫分析技术进行了综述。
- Quinocetone was a novel veterinary drug made in China.A major metabolite of quinocetone,desoxyquinocetone,was synthesized to further study the metabolism of quinocetone. 喹烯酮是我国一类新兽药,为了对其进行代谢研究,合成了喹烯酮的代谢物产物脱二氧喹烯酮。