- 这是一款完整的计算机接口实验平台,支持并口,串口和USB口。The is a complete computer interface experiment system that allows study and experiment in parallel ports, serial ports and USB ports interfaces.
- USB接口实验平台的研制The Design of USB Interface Test Platform
- 基于RTW的微位移实验平台的研制Developing of a Micro-displacement Experiment Platform Based on RTW
- 微机接口实验仪仿真器的设计与实现The design and implementation for the emulator of microcomputer interface experiment instruments
- 多功能动载教学实验平台的研制与开发Design and Development of Multi-Function Mobile Load Platform for Teaching Expeiment
- 此外,USB接口的溶合力和传送电子的精确度也被大大提高了。Besides the integration of the USB interface, the accuracy of the transmitting electronics has also been improved.
- 这种软件的研制超过5000工作小时,今天我很荣辛地向你们展示它。Over 5,000 hours of work went into this software, and today it's my privilege to bring it to you.
- CCD摄像机的USB接口设计USB interface design of CCD pickup camera
- 年内,贸发局继续致力推广香港作为国际商贸平台的良好形象。During the year,the TDC continued to attract international traders to Hong Kong's trade platform and promote a good image of Hong Kong.
- 基于USB接口选票处理系统的设计The design of vote disposal system based on USB mouth piece
- 苏联和美国在发射载人宇宙飞船去火星的研制方面,可以说是并驾齐驱,不相上下。Russia and the United States are neck and neck in the race to send a manned spacecraft to Mars.
- 介绍了在系统编程ISP(In-SystemProgrammability)技术,自主开发出适合实验教学的WCS_3实验系统把它应用到计算机接口实验中。The technique of In-system Programmability (ISP) is introducd. WCS-3 experimental system is developedindependently and is applied to the computer interface experiment, which is adapted to experimental teaching absolutely.
- 自动引导车作业平台的研制Development of test platform for automated guided vehicle
- 数字电视机顶盒从模式USB接口设计The Design of USB Interface of Set-top-box in Slave Mode
- 平面运动实验平台的开发与应用Exploitation and application of experimental platform in plane motion
- 回波模拟器的研制及对卫星雷达高度计发射前的性能评估Development of return signal simulator for chinese satellite altimeter prelaunch performance assessment
- 基于uClinux的嵌入式USB接口设计The Design of Embedded USB Based on uClinux
- 体育院校篮球普修课战术方法多媒体测试软件的研制与应用Exploitation and Development of Multimedia Testing Software on Basketball Tactics Method Course in PE Schools
- 油品储运实验平台的设计与实现Design and Implementation of the Experimental Platform for Oil Storage and Transportation