- Tigers are solitary animals. 虎是独居动物。
- These rare tigers are protected by special laws. 这些珍贵的老虎受到专门法律的保护。
- Tigers are flesh-eating animals. 虎是食肉动物。
- Tigers are flesh eating animals. 虎是肉食动物.
- Some are sociable; some are solitary. 有人好交际,有人喜欢孤独。
- A tiger was getting ready to jump on him. 有一只老虎即将向他扑去。
- It takes right time and right mood to be solitary. 寂寞需要时间,也需要心情。
- Tigers are in danger of dying out. 老虎有灭绝的危险。
- Three thumping tigers are tickling trout. 三只大老虎正在逗笑鳟鱼。
- Tigers are carnivores; cattle are not. 老虎是食肉动物,牛不是。
- Tigers are found in the jungle of Asia. 在亚洲的丛林中有老虎。
- The Manchurian tigers are very canny. 东北虎极机警。
- They are solitary stalkers, ambushing prey from a hiding place. 它们品行孤独,总是从隐蔽处突袭猎物。
- Many captive tigers are of purebred ancestry. 很多被俘获的老虎都为纯种虎。
- When Tigers are injured they need all out sympathy. 当老虎受伤了他们所需要的所有的同情。
- The station at B street was solitary. B街车站冷冷清清的。
- Tigers are even fiercer than lions. 老虎比狮子还利害。
- Nixon was solitary and chronically suspicious. 尼克松为人孤僻,一向疑心很大。
- He was solitary from his dark and solemn vices. 他之所以孤独,是由于他那邪恶而肮脏的罪孽。
- Colonic polyps in children may be solitary, multiple, or diffuse. 小儿结肠息肉可以单发,多发或呈弥漫性。