- This theory is widely accepted. 这个理论被广泛地接受了。
- The new theory is widely accepted. 这个新的理论被广泛接受。
- While widely accepted, this theory is queried and misunderstood by many scholars. 在得到广泛认同的同时,关联理论也遭到了不少学者的质疑和误解。
- This theory is at variance with the known facts. 这种理论与已知事实不符。
- This theory is a negation of all traditional beliefs. 这理论否定了一切传统信念。
- Yes, this theory is found in a recorded scripture. 不错;这是理论发现;在记录的经典之作.
- This theory is senseless on the face of it. 这种理论显然是没有意义的。
- This theory is based on rational decisions. 这种理论依据理性的决策。
- Generally a correct idea will take many years before it is widely accepted as true. 一般来说,一种正确的思想要许多年才能被人们广泛地承认。
- This theory is just pure fantasy. 这种理论纯粹是一种空想。
- This theory is found to be in line with the experimental results. 我们发现这个理论与实验结果一致。
- The result of getting proved that this theory is correct. 所得到的结果证实这一理论是正确的。
- This theory is fruitful for the future scientific research. 这一理论对将来的科学研究意义重大。
- This theory is altogether alone in its penetration of the problem. 这一理论在对问题的分析上是独一无二的。
- This theory is rather shakily supported by some obscure data. 这个理论由一些模糊的数据所支撑,摇摇欲坠。
- Experiments have proved that this theory is not correct. 实验已经证明,这祌理论是不正确的。
- Although the theory of environmental internalization has been widely accepted since it was proposed, the fact is that many policies based on this theory have some difficulties in implementation. 摘要环境成本内在化理论自提出以来,得到大多数国家的认同,但以该理论为指导的很多政策,执行起来效果并不理想。
- Now widely accepted theory is sui generis relation theory, which recognizes director-corporation relation as a special fiduciary relationship. 当今广为接受的通说为特殊关系说,即董事与公司的关系是一种特殊的信义关系(fiduciary relationship)。
- The deposition of flysch onto the young floors of chiasmic basins is widely accepted as certain. 复理石的沉积作用发育在裂陷盆地年青底板上的看法被广泛接受。
- It is beyond questionthat generally a correct idea will take many years before it is widely accepted as true. 勿庸置疑,一种正确的思想要花许多年才能被广泛承认是正确的。