- If selected every configured domain will be queried for list of domain to browse. This process will be recursive. 如果选择,每个设定的网域都会被查询做为要浏览的网域清单。这个过程是循环的。
- This process will be recursive. 这一过程是递归的。
- This process will be gradual, subject to the pace of liberalisation of the capital account. 这个过程将会是循序渐进的,进度视乎资本项目的开放步伐而定。
- Activists like Joanne Mariner of Human Rights Watch are not convinced that this process will be fair, as General Hartmann says it will. 一些人权活动人士,比如像人权观察组织的乔安娜.;马里纳,都不认为整个审判程序会像哈特曼将军说的那样会是公正的。
- The air cooled by this process will be pumped into the greenhouses, benefiting plants that could not survive the heat outside. 通过这个过程冷却下来的空气将被泵入温室,这样有利于不能承受室外温度的植物的生长。
- We trust this process will be open and consultative in ways that respect the democratic traditions begun so promisingly two decades ago. 我们相信与中国对话的过程将会是公开的,谘询性的,并尊重台湾近二十年来所发展的民主基础为前提而进行。
- This process will be expedited if the country has a shortage of professionals with your particular skill set or if your current employer transfers you to that country. 如果这个国家在你的专业领域缺乏专业人才或者你现在所在的公司派遣你到那个国家的话,签证的过程将会比较顺畅。
- Improvements of this process will probably be tied to more efficient heat recovery arrangements. 此方法的改进看来是要致力于更有效的热量回收措施。
- This process will be gilded, belling in operation is complete, the product has a fine gilding pepme up, left, beautiful, nonpressure the characteristics of the convex back pocket. 这栽工艺不兵烫金、压凹在一道工序上达不败,产物具有烫金颓丧、图文粗忽、丑观、无压凹垂直的特不背。
- During this process, general trims will be supplied by the factory. 从纸样制作开始到裁剪、缝制、包装。
- The process will be automated sooner of later. 这个过程迟早要自动化。
- The directory will be recursively copied. 该目录会被递归复制。
- According to the schedule, the first batch process will be produced on October first this year. 根据进度表,今年十月一日将首次批量生产。
- A request to stop e-mail address generation has been received. This process will be stopped momentarily, upon completion of address generation for the recipient currently in progress. 接收到停止生成电子邮件地址的请求。此进程在完成当前正在进行的收件人地址生成后将立即停止。
- Repeat this process with each hole in succession and you will be playing the chromatic scale. 每一个孔连续性的重复这个步骤,而且你将会演奏出半音。
- The urbanized process will be one of Chinese economy future growth engines, before this process had not ended, should not embrace the excessively pessimistic manner to the economic growth. 城市化的过程是中国经济未来的增长引擎之一,在这个过程还没有结束之前,对经济增长不应该抱持过分悲观的态度。
- The royal procession will be televised. 国王的仪仗行列将由电视播送。
- This process will continue until the audit data directory fills up or auditing is turned off. 此过程将继续下去,直到审核数据目录已满或审核被关闭。
- At present, Chinese enterprises still in stock by market is expected that this process will be in February 2009 to the end of March, and look forward to the second quarter of China will be restocking. 现时,中国企业仍在减存货,市场预期这个过程会于2009年2月至3月结束,并憧憬第二季度中国即会重新进货。
- This process will create the necessary file structure, which you will modify when you are optimizing the index. 此过程将创建必需的文件结构,而在优化索引时将修改此结构。