- Sakonji Akio 左近司彰男(1915-),日本人,实业家。
- Michiyo Fujimoto, Hiroyuki Kato, Akio Minami. 许瑞江,赫荣国,马承宣。
- Akio Fukumoto, whose Chinese name was Liao, has never lost enthusiasm for fruit trees. 本姓廖的福本秋雄对栽培果树始终热情不减。
- Akio Toyoda, 52, who is currently executive vice president, will replace 66-year-old Katsuaki Watanabe in June. 现年52岁的丰田昭夫现任公司副董事长,他将在今年六月接替66岁的渡边捷昭成为丰田的新董事长。
- Sony founder Akio Morita announces he will be stepping down as CEO of the floundering company. 年,索尼的创始人盛田昭夫宣布他将退出身处困境的公司的首席执行官一职。
- Akio Morita had no money, no experience, no external support when he started his business. 盛田昭夫创业时没有钱,没有经验,没有外部支持。
- Toyota appointed Akio Toyoda, grandson of the company’s founder, as its new boss. 丰田汽车任命创始人之孙丰田章男为新社长。
- But four decades ago Sony co-founder Akio Morita was smart enough to buy rights to the device and figure out what to do with it. 但40年前,索尼公司创始人之一盛田昭夫做出一项英明决策:买下了晶体管的使用权,并弄清了它的用途。
- Li Jun, Yoshio Sato, Akio Noda. An Experimental Study on DME Spray Characteristics and Evaporation Process in a High Pressure Chamber. SAE,2001,2001-01-3635. 文华;刘永长;魏明锐等.;二甲醚和柴油喷雾特性的数值模拟分析
- Like Akio Morita (see article) and Ikujiro Nonaka (see article), Ohmae translated Japanese business culture and strategy into English. 像盛田昭夫(见文章)与野中郁次郎(见文章)一样,大前把日本的企业文化与战略用英语加以表述。
- Japan didn't invent the transistor.But Sony co-founder Akio Morita was smart enough to buy rights to the device and figure out what to do with it. 日本没有发明电晶体,可是新力公司共同创办人盛田昭夫很聪明地买下专利权,并研究出它的用途。
- One day of evening, Sony Chairman Akio Morita enters the staff dining room and the staff according to the convention goes to eat together, chats. 有一天晚上,索尼董事长盛田昭夫依照惯例走进职工餐厅与职工一起就餐、聊天。他多年来一直坚持着这个习惯,以培养员工的合作意识和与他们的良好关系。...
- The changes will be the first implemented by new CEO Akio Toyoda, grandson of the automaker's founder, when he takes over next month. 这些变化将是第一个实施的新的首席执行官昭夫丰田孙子汽车公司的创始人,当时他接替将于下月.
- Just a few, Azim Premji of India's Wipro, Akio Morita of Sony, and perhaps (more quietly) Li Ka-shing of Hong Kong, had ties to wealth. 只有极少数人在一开始就拥有财富,如印度维普罗德阿齐姆普雷姆吉,索尼的盛田昭夫,也许还有香港的李嘉诚。
- Akio Toyoda himself as one of five executive vice-presidents isn't entirely free of blame for the company's recent woes. 作为原来的五位执行副总裁之一,丰田章男对公司目前的问题也不是完全没有责任。
- Disney is called the top promoter of Americanization. "It is a danger to our cultural diversity," said Akio Igarashi, a professor in a Japanese university. 迪斯尼被称作美国化的推广者。日本一位大学教授昭男五十岚说:“它会威胁到我们的文化多样性。
- WHEN Akio Morita, Sony's co-founder, gave the firm its name in the 1950s, he was afraid it could be mispronounced in Japanese as “son-en”, which means “to lose yen”. 二十世纪五十年代,当索尼公司的缔造者盛田昭夫给这个公司取名的时候,他担心这个名字会被错误地发成“损円”,在日语中的意思是“失去日圆”。
- A decision would be formalized in June, at the same time that Toyota will anoint a new president in Japan, Akio Toyoda, the grandson of the company's founder. 决定将正式在6月,在同一时间,丰田将视作一个新的总统在日本,丰田昭夫的孙子公司的创始人.
- IN 1953, a young businessman named Akio Morita made his first trip outside Japan to investigate export prospects for his struggling little electronics company. 盛田的商业之旅是日本在现代工业世界的不断上升的地位所带来的权力和危险的缩影。
- The toughest test for Japanese diplomacy came in a time-honored sport in Japan,namely Judo,when the hometown favorite,Akio Kaminaga,lost to a 267-pound giant Dutchman named Anton Geesink. 被普遍看好的国宝Akio Kaminaga 在日本传统项目柔道比赛中败倒在体重267磅的荷兰 巨人安东·基新克的脚下,此时日本人遇到了一个最难对付的外交难题。