- 肢体负压对周围动脉闭塞性病变犬皮肤SP免疫反应阳性神经纤维影响Influence of limb negative pressure on cutaneous SP immunoreactive nerve fibers in dogs of peripheral arterial occlusive disease
- SP免疫阳性神经纤维SP- IR positive nerve fibers
- 在BLA和BLP未发现HRP-SOM、HRP-ENK、HRP-SP免疫阳性双标记神经元。There were no any double labeled neurons found in BLA a+nd BLP either.
- (3)骶2后根节内BSI-B4-FITC标记细胞有17%同时呈SP免疫阳性;17%25 of the BSI-B4-FITC-bound cells were SP-immunoreactive in S2 dorsal root ganglion.
- 肠易激综合征肥大细胞与P物质免疫反应阳性神经纤维的实验研究Mast cell and substance P-positive fibers of ileocecal junction in irritable bowel syndrome patients
- (4)骶2后根节内BSI-B4-HRP标记的盆内脏初级传人神经元的39%同时呈SP免疫阳性。39%25 of thecells labeled by BSI-B4-HRP that was injected into pelvic nerve in S2 dorsal root ganglion were SP-immunoreactive.
- AChE阳性神经纤维AChE positive nerves
- SP免疫组织化学法Immunohistochemical method of SP
- 神经纤维nerve fiber
- 慢传输型便秘乙状结肠VIP、SP免疫组化研究lmmunohistochemical study of VIP and SP on the colonic wall in patients with slow trentise constipation
- 通过神经纤维的放电波。the electrical discharge that travels along a nerve fiber.
- 豚鼠上橄榄核簇L-ENK免疫阳性神经元分布及注射庆大霉素的变化Distribution of L-ENK immunoreactive neurons in the superior olivary complex of guinea pigs and their pathologic changes after GM injection
- 胎儿胃食管角乙酰胆碱酯酶阳性神经分布Acetylcholinesterase positive nerve in angle of stomach-esophagus in foetus
- 神经纤维丝neurofilaments
- 方法 采用SP免疫组化法检测 113例NSCLC中神经元特异性烯醇化酶 (NSE)、突触素 (SYN )和嗜铬素A(CgA)的表达。Methods NSCLC from 113 patients were analyzed immunohistochemically with antibodies to neuro|specific enolase(NSE),synaptophysin(SYN)and chromogranin,(CgA).
- 臂丛下干压迫大鼠脊髓神经元型一氧化氮合酶免疫阳性结构的研究Study on nNOS-immunoreactive structure distribution in spinal cord of brachial plexus lower trunk compression rat
- 神经纤维模型nerve fiber model
- 正常人颈段脊柱结构内nNOS阳性神经末梢的分布Distribution of nNOS-positive nerve endings in relative structures of human cervical spinal column
- 方法:运用鼠抗CD_(15)单抗和鼠抗CEA单抗,SP免疫组织化学DAB染色法,对58例肺癌组织、10例癌旁肺组织及10例远端肺组织进行染色检测。Methods with immunohistochemical SP technique and DAB staining, CD15 and CEA mouse monoclonal autibodies were illustrated in 58 lung cancers, 10 lung tissues near to cancers and 10 lung tissues far away cancers.
- 有髓鞘的神经纤维Myelinated nerve fibers.