- Emotion and Russian Language Teaching 情绪情感与大学俄语教学
- Language teaching is both a science and art. 语文教学既是一门科学又是一种艺术。
- Russian language teaching 俄语教学法
- Enabled the Russian language option. 使语言选项,有俄语选项。
- English Language Teaching Service Web. 旨在为电大英语师生提供英语教学服务。
- Review of English Language Teaching. 英语教学评论。
- I'm fond of reading English Language Teaching. 我喜欢读《英语教学》。
- Language teaching is a very competitive market. 是一个充满竞争的市场。
- We take(in) English Language Teaching. 我们订《英语教学》。
- They will have the chance to get a Russian language version at a discount. 他们有机会得到打折出售的俄语版本。
- The Russian course as language teaching has its own characteristics and plays an important role in training the generality,logic and arrangement. 作为语言教学的俄语课程有其自身的特点,在培养思维的概括性、逻辑性、层次性等方面发挥着重要作用。
- They are very up to date in their method of language teaching. 他们的语言教学法非常新颖。
- The Russian language production will be the first time ABBA songs will be performed in Russian. 俄语版的制作是ABBA的歌曲首次被翻成俄文。
- On March 19, Mr Yao Zhuo and Ms Liliya came to vist GLIT, with the purpose of boosting the teaching of Russian Language in order to meet the demands from the increasing Russian tourists. 07年3月19日上午,俄中友好协会代表姚卓先生及俄罗斯莫斯科华人联合会驻华代表刘丽女士等一行四人到我校考察。
- He is very up to date in his methods of language teaching. 他的语言教学法是最新式的。
- Communicative Language Teaching has been introduced to China. 交际式语言教学由此开始在中国试行。
- One was to protect the status of the Russian language and the rights of non-citizens in Estonia and Latvia. 一个是维护俄语在这些地区的地位和保护爱沙尼亚和拉脱维亚非合法公民的人权。
- Success is the most vital factor in language teaching and learning. 成功是语言的教与学追求的目标。
- DST's internet businesses account for more than 70% of all page views on Russian language websites. 数字天空科技互联网公司说明超过70%25的浏览者浏览俄罗斯语言的页面。
- Longman dictionary of language teaching and applied linguistics. 朗文语言教学及应用语言学辞典。