- Our dreams were dashed. 我们的梦想破灭了
- Our dreams were dashed. "You mean this is illegal?" Asked Mike in a quivering voice. 我们的梦想破灭了!“你的意思是说这么做是违法的?”迈克用颤抖的声音问。
- Ah, those glamorous days where our dreams were connected and we danced together. 啊,那些魅惑的日子,我们的梦想紧联,我们一起跳舞。
- I wish that our dreams were frozen, Then our hearts would not be broken, When we let each other go... 我希望我们的梦可以冻结,这样我们的心也就不会破碎,当我们让彼此成为过去时...
- When love is gone, dreams are unfulfilled, hopes are dashed and life is broken, suicide and death seems to be the only way out... But is it? 爱已逝,梦已碎,一切皆已化为乌有。就连生,也在无可恋。离开就不会痛...但表面的解脱,并非彻底的解决。它,只不过掩饰了更深的逃避。
- All our hopes were dashed by the announcement. 这事宣布後,我们的一切希望都落空了。
- "Our dreams are the sequel of our waking knowledge" (Ralph Waldo Emerson). “我们的梦想是我们清醒时意识的继续” (拉尔夫·瓦尔多·爱默生)。
- Our dreams are the sequel of our waking knowledge(Ralph Waldo Emerson. 我们的梦想是我们清醒时意识的继续(拉尔夫·瓦尔多·爱默生)
- Because our continent was under the Earth Mother's heart chakra, our dreams were filled with love. 由于我们的大陆是位于地球母亲的心脏脉轮底下,于是我们的梦想就充满了爱。
- Now our dreams are coming true through the good times and the bad. I'll be standing there by you. 现在我们梦想成真,无论在快乐还是艰苦的时候。我会一直陪伴在你的身边。
- Even after my unfortunate own goal against Chelsea in the Champions League semi last April - where all our dreams were crushed - I felt the support and sympathies from you as real and important. 即使我在对阵破车的时候不幸打入乌龙球,最后导致我们失足半决赛,但我还是能够感受到来自你们的支持与鼓舞。
- All of our hopes and dreams could be dashed with a tiny mistake. 我们所有的希望与梦想会因一个小错而破灭。
- Our dream was a cosy hotel room from which we could telephone friends and family back home. 我们的梦想就是有一间舒适的旅馆房间,从那儿我们可以给国内的朋友和家人打个电话。
- Our hopes were dashed to the ground. 我们的希望都成了泡影。
- I'll fly to a whole new world, A wondrous place for you and me. Our dreams are so young, Without you, seem my days so long. 我要飞向那崭新的世界,属于你与我的神奇之地。我们的梦想还那么年轻,没有你的日子漫长难挨。
- In this enlightening book, Therese Duckett shows how our dreams are important in helping us understand our lives and improve our health and wellbeing. 由于梦相伴睡眠周期循环规律,所以在异相睡眠中醒来的人,感觉梦多,而在正相睡眠中醒来的人,感觉梦少。
- When we are busy making oter plans,our children are busy growing up,the people we love are moving awayand dying,our bodies getting out of shape ,and our dreams are slipping away. 这样说不知道对不对!不过我还是个爱制定计划的人!因为有个大的目标与方向摆在那里,我才不会盲目!
- The boat was dashed against the rocks. 小船猛撞在礁石上。
- Dreams are sometimes so vivid that the phantom of a dream may impress us a lot, which bewilders us that whether the scene in our dreams happened in the actual life. 有时候梦是非常逼真,甚至一些怪诞的梦也遗留下强烈的印象,以至让我们做梦者时常在怀疑,究竟梦中的事是否真的发生过。
- His hands were dashed with blood. 他的两手溅着血。