- N-对香豆酰-5-羟色胺ipobscurine A
- N-(p-香豆酰)5-羟色胺N-(p-coumaroyl)serotonin
- 对香豆酰飞燕草甙awobanin
- 反式6-O-对香豆酰鸡屎藤苷甲酯E- 6 -O-p- coumaroyl scandoside methyl ester
- 反相高效液相色谱法测定不同产地白花蛇舌草中的对香豆酸Determination of p-Coumaric Acid in Hedyotis diffusa Willd. From Different Sources by Reversed-Phase High Performance Liquid Chromatography
- p-香豆酰-CoA-鲱精胺N-p-香豆酰转移酶p-Coumaroyl-CoA-agmatine N-p-coumaroyltransferase
- 白酒色谱骨架成分的含量及比例关系对香型和质量的影响Effects of the Content and Ratio Relationship of the Chromatic Spectrum Structure Components on Liquor Flavour Style and Quality
- 氮钙对香石竹多酚氧化酶、过氧化物酶和叶斑病的影响。Effects of nitrogen and calcium on polyphenol oxidase, peroxidase and leaf spot in carnation.
- 盐酸卡波孟,盐酸乙胺香豆素,盐酸乙氧香豆素,延痛心Chromonar Hydrochloride
- N-月桂酰乙醇胺对香石竹切花瓶插效应的影响Effects of N-lauroylethanolamine Treatments on Vase-life and Membrane Permeability of Cut Carnation 'Red Barbara' Flowers
- 香豆酰奎尼酸coumaroyl guinic acid
- 4,5-二羟基香豆素4,5-dihydroxycoumarin; DHC
- 瑞香素,祖司麻甲素,瑞香内酯,7,8-二羟香豆素,白瑞香素,二羟香豆素Daphnetin
- 5,7-二甲基香豆素citropten
- 香豆酰阿魏酰甲烷coumaroylferuloylmethane
- 苯丙香豆醇phenprocoumon
- 香豆糖cumarene
- 香豆酯tonquin butter
- 香豆胶fenugreek gum
- 香豆索Coumarin