- Murata Harumi 村田春海(1746-1811),日本人,日本国学家、歌人。
- Can I use Murata capacitors in a AC circuit? 能在交流电路中使用村田制作所的电容器吗?
- Quality Target:Catch up with Kyocera,Exceed muRata. 公司的质量目标:赶京瓷,超村田。
- Toshio Murata has received a dollar check from his friend in San Francisco. 村田俊夫收到了他的朋友从旧金山寄来的美元支票。
- What is the allowable Ripple current Murata's ceramic capacitors can withstand? 村田制作所的陶瓷电容器所能承受的允许纹波电流是多少?
- Mitsugi C,Harumi A,and Kenzo F.We-net:Japanese hydrogen program.Int.J.Hydrogen Eenrgy,.1998,23(3):159-165. 林明.;高效产氢发酵新菌种产氢机理及生态学研究
- Harumi: I love English. I spent much time on remembering words every week. Practice makes perfect. I can get full mark all because of my effort I made. 米晴美:我爱英语.;每个星期我都会花很多时间记单词
- The story sets in a snow white town, Hokkaido, Japan.Kenji kidnaps a married woman whom he secretly loves for the past two years, Harumi. 在北海道一个小镇,白雪轻飘,他走过火车站前的一间理发店,呆望著窗里的老闆娘治美。
- We also deal in the following branded crystal components: CITIZEN, TOKYODENPA, KYOCERA, MURATA,, KDS, CSPXO etc. 兼代售其它品牌:西铁城、京电波、瓷、田、ds、PXO等石英晶体产品。
- We also deal in the following branded crystal components: CITIZEN, TOKYODENPA, KYOCERA, MURATA,,KDS,CSPXO etc. 兼代售其它品牌:西铁城、东京电波、京瓷、村田、KDS、SPXO等石英晶体产品。
- Japan's Murata manufacturing has unveiled its latest high-tech robot which is balanced enough to ride a unicycle. 近日,日本技术公司"村田制造所"研制出一款可骑独轮车的新型高科技机器人,名为"村田女孩"(见图右)。
- Harumi is an area in Cukisima of Jungnaman city, Joil-kui.It contains 6 dong.Most population are Japanese people.There is a pier (Harumi Cruise Pier) and a stadium in Harumi. 晴海 是中南岸市朝日区的月岛的一个地区,分为6个行政洞。
- Pengfei electronic and Acting: Tokyo airwaves, Kyocera, Murata, KDS ----- (SMD) Product. 鹏飞电子兼代理:东京电波、京瓷、村田、KDS-----(SMD)产品。
- Mantech is an anthorized agent for all products of MuRata in mainland and HongKong. 遍布香港,上海,深圳,厦门等各地的分公司可以就近为您提供快速,贴近,优质的服务。
- NCP18WB473J03RB MURAtA (thermistor) 48,000 -- Shanghai Almighty International Trading Co.,Ltd. 米托运请找佳吉快运有限公司800-620-1054上海佳吉快运有限公司0--上海佳吉快运有限公司
- My company has Murata, Roma and Mong Kok Quan Qiankun full range of products and the right to an agent. 我公司拥有村田、罗姆、旺诠和乾坤全系列产品的一级代理权。
- Shirts with Murata’s strong crayon painting tell the stories of Murata’s everyday life in Taipei. 村田以此日本文化为创作起点,在白衬衫背面空间勾勒出他对台北的印象:紧邻的同种类店面 (电脑街、乾物街、书店街、相机街等)、穿梭街头的同类机车、元宵节灯火、连绵数日的雨景一件件布满强烈图像的衬衫,记录村田在台北感应的一景一情一物。
- Yasuyuki Kitano and Harumi Sakamoto, both in their 40s, invited hundreds of guests, including Japanese celebrities, to a wedding reception in 2003, saying that Kitano was a member of a defunct branch of the imperial family. 周一,一对日本夫妇的皇族童话在监狱里终结,这对夫妻用精心炮制的皇室后裔婚礼来欺骗宾客,最终落得身陷囹圄的下场。
- The major suppliers include Murata, TDK, Kyocera, Taiyo Yuden, Panasonic and Rohm from Japan and Yageo, TA-I, Ralec, Chilisin and Walsin from Taiwan. 主要供应厂家是日本和台湾厂家,包括日本厂家村田、TDK、京瓷、太阳诱电、松下、罗姆,台湾厂家国巨,大毅、旺诠、奇力新和华新科技。
- Over the years the AMADA, Komatsu, Murata, LVD, Baylor imported equipment such as the die has extensive experience in the production. 多年来对AMADA、小松、村田、LVD、贝勒等进口设备的模具有丰富的制作经验。