- Nice to meet you, Li qiang, I am Mark. (很高兴见到你,李强,我是马克。)
- On October 1st 1980, she got married with Li Qiang. 在1980年10月1日,她与李强结了婚。
- By the way, my name is Li qiang. (顺便介绍我自己,我叫李强。)
- Li Qiang from the Shanghai Trading Company. 李强.;来自上海贸易公司
- Li Qiang solved that physics problem with the help of Liu Ming. 在刘明的帮助下,李强解出了那道物理题。
- Want to learn , just learn President of JUSITE Enterprises Management Co.Ltd of Beijing --- Master Li Qiang! 要学,就要向北京巨思特企业管理有限公司总裁---李强老师学!
- Li Qiang, but the situation even worse: debt principal debt, owe a friend, plus a fat wife nervous, his head appeared a shadow. 中英文对照:但李强的状况更加糟糕:债主要债、朋友欠钱、妻子肥胖外加神经质、自己头部还出现了阴影。
- "We are extremely pleased to be working with Trimble on the CMONOC project," said Li Qiang, director of Crustal Movement Monitoring Research Center. “我们非常高兴能够和天宝一起合作中国地壳运动观测网项目,”李强说,地壳运动检测研究中心主任。
- Therefore, the police carries on the investigation to these outside areas labor to subpoena immediately, the confirmation murderer is Li Qiang. 为此,民警迅即对这些外地民工进行调查传讯,确认杀人凶手就是李强。
- Although many of the provisions have been flouted, it has increased worker consciousness, said Li Qiang, a New York-based labor expert. 驻纽约劳工问题专家李强(音)说,虽然许多规定形同虚设,但它增强了工人们的意识。
- Competition in the process of turning the camera is working with the entire Li Qiang Liu Yanan of the chat, she with a smile, appears to be relatively happy. 比赛过程中镜头转身正在与李全强聊天的刘亚男,她面带微笑,显得比较开心。
- Because subsidizes Li Qiang to escape, because other 4 labors are also a suspect to give shelter to the harbor crime to arrest by the police punishment. 因资助李强逃跑,另外4名民工也因涉嫌窝藏包庇罪而被警方刑拘。
- Li Qiang A fruit salad, please. 再来一个水果沙拉吧。
- Li Qiang, born in 1972. Researcher at Intel China Research Center. His main research interests include computer architecture, parallel computing, multimedia technologies, parallel optimization, workload performance and scalability analysis. 栗强;1972年生;英特尔中国研究中心的研究员;主要研究方向为并行计算、性能优化分析、数据挖掘应用及并行扩展性等.
- Hui and screenwriter Li Qiang have a knack for humorous observation, but the film rambles, the actors tending for too long to overplay the comedy and ignore the underlying poignancy. 许和编剧李樯对幽默的观察很有诀窍,但影片和演员用了太多时间做过重的喜剧表演,忽视了隐含的辛酸。
- WANG Jing LIU Yue-hua LI Qiang Hou Yu-xia 刘月华李强
- Her family lives three li away from her school. 她家住在离学校有三里路的地方。
- Li Bai is one of the greatest poets the world over. 李白是举世最伟大的诗人之一。
- To all appearance, Mr. Li is going to migrate. 李先生显然是要移民了。
- Li Ming is not so old as Wang Lin. 李明没有王林年龄大。