- Welcome to centre of language and language education of CCNU! 歡迎光臨华中语言网!
- Scrivener, J.Learning Teaching.Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press,2002. 王银泉.;报刊英语教学在英语综合运用能力培养中的地位和作用
- What can criterions afford to native language education in the process? 语文课程标准在此过程中究竟应该为语文教育提供什么?
- In recent years,there has been an increasing demand for Chinese language education among US students. 近几年里,越来越多的美国学生开始学习中文。
- Appreciating this situation, we continue to promote international communication through Japanese language education. 我们充分认识到这种情况,今后更将通过日语教育积极推动真正的国际交流。
- The first involved teaching EFL to pre-service teachers who were on our four-year English as a Foreign Language Education Programme. 首先,我是一名英语教师,教授这所大学四年制英语教育专业学生,即职前教师的英语。
- Though the importance of English language education is being stressed in the movement to internationalize community, We are lagging. 尽管在国际化社会的运动中,正强调著英语教育的重要,但是我们却是落后的。
- To enhance language education, the Government has also set language proficiency requirements for teachers of English and Putonghua. 同时,为了加强语文教育,政府为英文科和普通话科教师制定了语文能力要求。
- Stern H.H1978,Bilingual schooling and foreign language education:some implications of Canadian experiments in French immersion[J]Alatis,pp165-188. 吕良环.;谈双语教学与双语教师的在职英语培训[J]
- TUDOR, IAN. Learner-centredness as language education [M]. London:Cambridge University Press 1997. 邵瑞珍.;教育心理学[M]
- In recent years, there has been an increasing demand for Chinese language education among US students. 近几年里,越来越多的美国学生开始学习中文。
- This electronic project will help provide high school students with language education resources from both countries. 这个电子化计划将会为两国高中学生的语言学习提供资源。
- Gutt,Ernst-August.2004.Translation and Relevance:Cognition and Context[M].Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press. 谭载喜.;新编奈达论翻译[M]
- Mr.Ye Shengtao was famous for Chinese language education, and he was also a linguist of great achievements. 摘要叶圣陶先生是我国著名的语文教育家,又是颇有建树的语言学家。
- Sacrmento Mandarin School (SMS)is a non-profit, amature school, devoted to Chinese language education. 沙加缅度中文学校是一所以教育繁体字为主的中文学校。
- Byram,M. 1989.Cultural Studies in Foreign Language Education[M].Clevedon,U.K.: Multilingual Matters Ltd. 耿龙明;何寅.;中国文化与世界[C]
- Krashen , S. Language Acquisition and Language Education [M] . New Jersey : Alemany Press , 1985 : 100. 金莺;宋桂月.;高中英语课程标准教师读本[M]
- Dubin, F. &Olshtain, E. 1986. Course design. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press. 程晓堂,英语教材分析与设计,北京,外语教学与研究出版社)。
- Eugen.A.Nida, 2001.Language, Culture, And Translating[M].Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press. 薄冰.;高级英语语法[M]
- Language teaching is both a science and art. 语文教学既是一门科学又是一种艺术。