- Labour leader Ben Eliezer 工党领导人Ben Eliezer
- The Labour leader was asked to form a government. 要求工党领袖组织政府。
- The Labour Leader was asked to form a new government. 工党领袖被要求组织新政府。
- The Labour leader is Tony Blair, the current Prime Minister. 工党的领袖是现在的首相托尼布莱尔。
- Education Secretary Alan Johnson says he fully expects to vote for Gordon Brown to become Labour leader. 教育局长艾伦约翰逊说,他完全赞成布朗期待成为劳工领袖。
- Education Secretary Alan Johnson says he would "fully expect" to vote for Gordon Brown to become Labour leader. 教育局长艾伦约翰逊说,他将"完全指望"投给布朗成为劳工领袖。
- She told us that none of these labour leaders had been released. 她告诉我们,这些工会领导人全都没有释放。
- TONY BLAIR today announced he will quit as Labour leader and stand down as Prime Minister on June 27 after a decade in Downing Street. 今日,托尼*布莱尔宣布,他辞去工党领袖一职并将在入住唐宁街十年后,于6月27日卸任首相一职。
- For Len Duvall, the Labour leader in City Hall, Mr Johnson ruffles few feathers precisely because he is not pursuing a radical agenda. 市政厅工党领导伦.;杜瓦尔说,约翰逊之所以能够当成好好先生,就是因为不曾实施激进举措。
- It may also have taught them the folly of favouring ideological purism over electability when choosing the next Labour leader. 这或许也使他们认识到,坚持下任工党领袖候选人思想的纯粹性是荒唐的。
- And, as the unions make up one-third of the party's electoral college, those who aspire to be the next Labour leader must court them assiduously. 如果工会组织能占工党选举团的三分之一,那些希望成为下一个工党领袖者必然会对他们大献殷勤。
- Many labour leaders distinguished themselves in the war. 很多工会领导人在战争中有突出的表现。
- For Mr Brown, that might be too humiliating and disorienting a reversal;but if he can't manage it, his successor as Labour leader will probably have to. 而对布朗先生来说,转换观念或许是可耻、困惑的,但如果他无法度过这一关,他的继任者作为工党领袖也必须面对。
- Some of the labour leaders were also questioned by the reactionary police. 一些工会领导人也受到反动警察的盘问。
- I admit I could not be so far ben as Ivan. 我承认我不能像伊文一样受到赏识。
- Politicians and labour leaders are playing footsie with each other while rail services get steadily worse. 政客们和工会头头们互相勾结,而铁路服务事业则每况愈下。
- Ben will at all risks get the bid. 班要冒着一切风险争取中标。
- Ben has a crush on his music teacher. 宾迷恋他的音乐教师。
- Dutch Labour leader forgets voting document 荷兰工党领袖大选之日竟忘带选举证
- Ben tore his hair when he saw the wrecked car. 本看到汽车被撞毁,大为恼火。