- Hunger make hard bean sweet. 饥不择食。
- The man who can make hard things easy is the educator. 能使艰难之事变得容易的人是教育者。
- A willing mind make hard journey easy. 只要兴致好,跋涉不疲劳。
- If bean curd is remissly made hard, try to sell dried bean curd. 如果豆腐不小心做硬了,改卖豆腐干;
- His hunger makes his stale bread go down. 饥饿使他把这不新鲜的面包吞了下去。
- Hunger makes raw beans taste sugar. 饥饿时糟糠甜如蜜。
- Every thing in the world should succeed, must all make hard. 世界上每一件事要成功,都必须付出努力。
- Terror was weakening her legs, hunger making her faint. 恐怖已经使她两腿发了软,饥饿已经使她眩晕了。
- Bisphenol A is a chemical widely used to make hard, polycarbonate plastic. 双酚A是一种广泛用于硬聚碳酸酯塑料的化学品。
- The road of the life is not Bon voyage, but I believe to can make hard better only! 人生的道路不是一帆风顺的,但我相信只要努力就能做到更好!
- The inhospitality is a kind of special crime, only the person know this, we just probably with it make hard of aggro. 冷漠是一种特殊的罪恶,只有人认识到这一点,我们才有可能与之作艰苦的抗争。
- But on the sixth day, hunger made itself felt again, and gnawed him almost to the heart. 可是到了第六天,饥饿再次袭来,他的腹空如雷鸣,震得心都要跳出来了。
- But the Wall Street firm had the ultimate retort: It found a way to make hard cash out of this disfavor. 不过这家公司使出绝招:在不利的市场环境中找到一种稳赚之法。
- Interesting. It seems curious though that hunger makes us extra sensitive to foods that are fattening. 有意思。饥饿使我们对于那些高脂肪食物具有额外的敏感度。
- Tiredness, pain, and hunger made the wretched man fall asleep, and he slept the whole night. 在疲劳、痛苦和饥饿的折磨下,可怜的裁缝一头倒下就睡着啦。
- This is the window of household, make hard decorate and soft adornment organic be united in wedlock. 这是家居的亮点,让硬装潢与软装饰有机结合。
- The flesh of the fruit are ingested and the hard beans are evacuated. 果肉被消化掉,坚硬的咖啡豆则被排出体外。
- That day his hunger grew worse, worse than the hurt in his foot. Many times he wanted to lie down, but hunger made him go on. 那一天,他饥饿难忍,甚至比他脚上的伤更严重。很多回他都想躺下,但饥饿迫使他继续走。
- Use "pull" not" push" to help them make hard choices and don't let your own fear of the unknown dictate what your children should or shouldn't do. 使用"拉"而不"推"的方法帮助他们做艰难的决择,不要因为担心自己不了解就决定孩子该做什么和不该做什么。
- Hardening means make harder. 淬火就是促使变硬。