- I followed in his steps; he retraced his steps. 他们的步调非常一致。
- He retraced his steps back to where he had started from. 他折回到他出发的地方。
- He retraced his steps along Central Avenue to the depot and found himself quickly before the walls of the very large concern he was seeking. 他沿着中央路朝火车站往回走,不多时来到他正要找的那家很大的工厂的墙外。
- He retraced his steps in anger, and threatened them with his stick: the children dispersed like a flock of birds. 他狼狈地回转来,扬着棍子表示要打,孩子们也就象一群小鸟似的散了。
- He retraced his steps. 他按原路折回。
- And he therefore turned round and retraced his steps. 所以他又折回去,往回追踪自己的足迹。
- He turned around and retraced his steps(= went back the way he had come). 他转身原路往回走。
- Then he retraced his steps, and feeling his way and searching, 这么一想,遂转身回去,摸索着方向,东瞧瞧,西望望,
- Maybe he was retracing his steps. 他在追溯过去。
- " He retraced his steps, he called, he did not find them;he reflected that they must already be far away, put the package in his pocket, and went off to dine. 他转身喊,没有喊住她们,他想她们已经走远了,便把那纸包揣在衣袋里,去吃晚饭。
- He watched till she had disappeared; then slowly retraced his steps to the Mirabell Garden. 他望着她远走了,然后慢慢地返回米拉伯尔花园。
- Then he shook his head slowly from right to left, as though refusing himself something, and retraced his steps. 接着他静静地摇着头,好象拒绝自己的一点要求,就折了回去。
- At this point the scout had to retrace his steps lest he is caught... 这时侦查员就退回去以免被抓到...
- Hundreds of years later, a team of 8 Renault trucks has retraced his steps, from the French city of Lyon all the way through the ancient Silk Road to China's capital, Beijing. S: retrace 沿着路线重走,比如顺着原路折回到出口,retrace one's steps toward the entrance.;雷诺车队沿着马可波罗的脚步重走。
- A little disgusted and depressed he turned to retrace his steps, for all at once he felt himself very much of a nobody. 他有些懊恼,有些沮丧,就掉过头,从原路走回去,因为他突然觉得自己简直一文不值。
- The mayor came to meet him, and urged him to retrace his steps. 乡长赶到沙斯特拉来找他,并且劝他转回去。
- Occidental is happy to oblige visitors who want to retrace his steps. 西方学院乐于满足想追寻奥巴马足迹的来访者的愿望。
- In the meanwhile, Gavroche, who had retraced his steps at full speed, halted five or six streets distant and seated himself, panting, on the stone post which forms the corner of the Enfants-Rouges. 伽弗洛什这时正疯狂地往后跑,跑过了五六条街才停下来,坐在红孩子商店转角处的护墙石上喘气。
- All the time he was in the city the secret police dogged his steps. 他在该市逗留期间一直受到秘密警察的跟踪。
- He said himself that he had done all he could, and that now he had nothing to do but retrace his steps quietly. 他向自己说他已尽了他的全力,现在只好心安理得地转身回去。