- The Dravidian language of the Gonds. 冈德语冈德人的达罗毗荼语
- The Dravidian language of the Tamil. 泰米尔语泰米尔人所讲的达罗毗荼语
- The principal Dravidian language of Mysore, a region of southern India. 卡纳达语印度南部一地区迈索尔的主要的达罗毗荼语
- A Dravidian language spoken in the state of Kerala on the Malabar Coast of southwest India. 马拉雅拉姆语印度西南马拉巴尔海岸的喀拉拉邦所使用的一种达罗毗荼语
- Upon their entry in South Asia the Aryans encountered the Dravidian languages. 在他们的词条在南亚Aryans遇到了Dravidian语言。
- There has also been reciprocal influence between Sanskrit and the Dravidian languages. 梵语和德拉威语也是相互影响。
- a Dravidian language spoken in southern India. 分布在印度南部的德拉维甸语。
- A member of any of the peoples that speak one of the Dravidian languages,especially a member of one of the pre-Indo-European peoples of southern India. 说达罗毗荼语的人说任一种达罗毗荼语的人,特别是指印度南部前印欧人成员。
- Since different Dravidian languages were spoken in different part of the country, many kinds of Prakrits came into existence. 因为不同的Dravidian语言讲了话在国家的另外部份,许多Prakrits进入了存在。
- The interaction of the invading Dravidian with the Munda must have created some new languages, called the Dravidian languages. 侵略的Dravidian的互作用以Munda一定创造了一些新语言,称Dravidian语言。
- a Dravidian language spoken by the Kodagu people. 克达古人所说的德拉维甸语。
- a Dravidian language spoken by the Kota people. 哥打人所说的德拉维甸语。
- A member of any of the peoples that speak one of the Dravidian languages, especially a member of one of the pre-Indo-European peoples of southern India. 说达罗毗荼语的人说任一种达罗毗荼语的人,特别是指印度南部前印欧人成员
- Among the many descendants of Brahmi are Devanagari (used for Sanskrit, Hindi, and other Indian languages), the Bengali and Gujarati scripts, and those of the Dravidian languages. 婆罗米语的众多后裔当中,有梵文字母(用于梵语、北印度语和其他的印度语言)、孟加拉语和古吉拉特语,还有德拉威语。
- Language teaching is both a science and art. 语文教学既是一门科学又是一种艺术。
- Like other major Dravidian languages, Telugu has very marked distinctions between formal or literary and colloquial registers and between social dialects. 与其他主要德拉威语一样,泰卢固语有显著的文言、口语之分以及社会方言之分。
- a Dravidian language spoken by the Tulu people. 图鲁人所说的德拉维甸语。
- a Dravidian language spoken by the Telugu people in SE India. 印度东南的泰卢固人所说的德拉维甸语。
- Daily practice is the trick in learning a foreign language. 每天练习是学会一门外语的诀窍。
- One can not learn a language well unless one works hard. 学好一种语言非下苦功不可。