- Don't riot in drink. 不要恣情暴饮。
- The monkey got out of his cage and ran riot in the pet-shop. 猴子跑出了笼子,在出售小动物的店里乱闹一气。
- In this wet weather, grass runs riot in the vegetable beds. 在这种潮湿的天气里,蔬菜地面杂草丛生。
- It is no use trying to drown your sorrows in drink. 想借酒浇愁於事无补。
- I'm afraid he took his solace in drink. 恐怕他是借酒浇愁。
- Some young people riot in taking risks. 有些年轻人热衷于冒险。
- The weeds run riot in some fields. 有些田地里出现了草荒。
- And put up a riot in the border region. 在边疆引发了骚乱。
- Daisica are running riot in the meadow. 草地上的野菊花长得很茂盛。
- The flowers run riot in our garden. 我们花园里鲜花烂漫。
- There were much riot in the end of Shang dynasty. 对应商末以来大量旱灾、尘暴记载。
- She drowned her sorrow in drink. 她借酒消愁。
- There was no doubt that he was in drink. 毫无疑问他喝碎了。
- He talked too much when he was in drink. 他醉后话太多。
- It is no use trying to drown your sorrow in drink. 想借酒浇愁於事无补。
- Do not drown your troubles in drink. 别借酒消愁。
- In this wet weather,grass runs riot in the vegetable beds. 在这种潮湿的天气里,蔬菜地面杂草丛生。
- I am afraid he took his solace in drink. 恐怕他是借酒浇愁。
- He helped to quell a riot in 532 and save Justinian's throne. 532年他帮助平息了一场骚乱,保住了查士丁尼的皇位。
- It is no use trying to drownyour sorrows in drink. 想借酒浇愁于事无补。