- Don't presuppose my guilt. 不要先假定我有罪。
- I'll never feel free from my guilt about Montayne. 我永远也摆脱不了在蒙太尼这件事上的负疚感。
- Do you see my guilt? Should I feel fright? 你知道我很内疚吗?我该惊讶吗?
- Talking to her helped to assuage my guilt. 和她交谈減轻了我的负罪感。
- My guilt has overwhelmed me like a burden too heavy to bear. 我的5罪孽高过我的头,如同重担叫我担当不起。
- In the end,this ordeal eased my guilt about leaving my son's side at times. 这种严峻的考验最终减轻了我因为时不时离开儿子而产生的负疚感。
- I needed to admit my guilt to someone, which is why I'm telling you. 我需要向某个人承认我的过错,因此,我才对你讲这些话。
- If I sin, then You would take note of me, And would not acquit me of my guilt. 我若昂首自得、你就追捕我如狮子.又在我身上显出奇能。
- In the end, this ordeal eased my guilt about leaving my son's side at times. 这 种 严 峻 的 考 验 最 终 减 轻 了 我 因 为 时 不 时 离 开 儿 子 而 产 生 的 负 疚 感 。
- I feel so lucky at being in Washington, that I guss I work off my guilt with the late hours. 我觉得自己呆在华盛顿太幸运了,晚上加加班也许是为了消除自己的犯罪感吧。
- I feel so lucky at being in Washington, that I guess I work off my guilt with the late hours. 我觉得自己呆在华盛顿太幸运了,晚上加加班也许是为了消除自己的犯罪感吧。
- Despite my guilt and uncertainty I learned to forget that I was a lone guilty black Brother. 虽然我做错了事,心中七上八下的,我却学会了忘记自己是个孤独的、有罪过的黑人兄弟。
- Such a confession implies that I am wholly unable to get rid of my guilt, but by an act of faith I reckon on God to deliver me. 这样的认罪乃是含着一个意思说,我自己全然不能除去我的罪,然而藉着信心,我信靠神来拯救我。
- I was filled with a wondrous new understanding of my past, and what my life could mean for the future, having left my guilt Behind. 对我的过去我有了一种全新的体验,我也明白了将来的意义,还彻底地抛弃了罪恶感。
- Don’t touch the report on my desk. 别碰我桌子上的报告。
- If my gentle, that when I see you, I can burn once again for your favorite dish you, but when you show on my guilt, I will even wordlessly. 也有人盲目地扩张信用而不计风险,一味运用融资想要在短时间内获得最大报酬;
- I wonder how I'll stand up in a courtroom for hours having litigators try to convince a jury of my guilt and the reprehensibility of my character. 我怀疑,真的到了我上法庭的那一天,我到底还有没有力气站上好几个小时,听诉讼律师向陪审团们陈诉我的罪过,诉说我是多么罪有应得。
- If you don t help me,I ll haunt you after my death. 如果你不帮助我,我死后变鬼来缠你。
- I wonder how I\'ll stand up in a courtroom for hours having litigators try to convince a jury of my guilt and the reprehensibility of my character. 我怀疑,真的到了我上法庭的那一天,我到底还有没有力气站上好几个小时,听诉讼律师向陪审团们陈诉我的罪过,诉说我是多么罪有应得。
- I don' t know what to do to fix this in my mind. 我不知道怎样才能牢牢记住这一点。