- Empty cigarette packet litter the floor. 地板上丢满了空烟盒。
- Empty cigarette packets litter the floor . 地板上丢满了空烟盒。
- He littered the paper all over the floor. 他把纸乱丢了一地。
- He littered the Sunday paper all over the floor. 他把周日报丢得遍地皆是。
- He littered the paper all over the floor . 他把纸乱丢了一地。
- A ceramic bowl and other debris from the Titanic litter the floor of the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of Newfoundland. 意译:发现泰坦尼克号图片。一个陶瓷碗和其它碎片从泰坦尼克号的垃圾地板在大西洋离开纽芬兰岛的海岸。
- Piles of books and newspapers littered the floor. 地板上乱七八糟地堆了许多书和报纸。
- There is always hope that in its labyrinth of musty, dark , disordered room a real rarity will be found amongst the piles of assorted junk that litter the floor. 人们还常常有希望在发霉、阴暗、杂乱无章、迷宫般的店堂里,从杂乱地摆放在地面上的、一堆堆各式各样的破烂货里找到一件稀世珍品。
- Don't scrape your feet on the floor. 别用脚蹭著地板。
- Don't litter the floor. 不要随地乱扔东西。
- The tables are firmly fixed to the floor. 桌子都牢牢地固定在地板上。
- He is always hope to find something among the piles of assorted junk that litter the floors. 他总是希望在丢满一地板的各种各样的破烂货摊中找到一些东西。
- Stolen jewels littered the floor when the robbers fled in a hurry. 抢劫犯在慌乱逃窜时把抢来的珠宝遗撒一地。
- He is always hoping to find something among the piles of assorted junk that litter the floors. 他总是希望在丢满一地板的各种各样的破烂货摊中找到一些东西。
- The book hit the floor with a thud. 这书砰的一声落在地板上。
- Don't litter scrapsof paper over the floor. 不要随地乱丢纸屑。
- Don't litter up the floor with scraps of paper. 别往地上乱丢纸屑。
- He canted over from his chair onto the floor. 他从椅子上跌倒在地板上。
- There is always hope that in its labyrinth of musty, dark, disordered rooms a real rarity will be found amongst the piles of assorted junk that litter the floors. 而对不太装腔作势的古玩店。无论是谁都有不用壮着胆子才敢往里进。人们还常常有希望在发霉、阴暗、杂乱无章、迷宫般的店堂里,从杂乱地摆放在面上的、一堆堆各式各样的破烂货里找到一件稀贡珍品。
- He fell on the floor with an awful whomp. 他摔在地板上发出一声可怕的撞击声。