- I am hibe,yet I don't hold anything back. 我是拥抱,有时也是泪水。
- Do not hold anything back ,you must tell me everything . 什么也不要瞒我,你必须把一切情况告诉我。
- Don't hold anything back, you must tell me everything. 什么也不要瞒我,你必须把一切情况告诉我。
- We must have the whole story; don't hold anything back. "我们必须了解事情的全部经过,不要隐瞒任何事实。"
- Do not hold anything back , you must tell me everything . 什么也不要瞒我,你必须把一切情况告诉我。
- He always says what he thinks; he can't hold anything back. 他有什么说什么, 肚子里存不住话。
- Don't hold anything back. 别隐瞒什么。
- The boss couldn' t hold back his anger any longer. 老板再也抑制不住怒火了。
- He couldn' t hold down a job after his breakdown. 他病倒以後; 工作也就保不住了.
- Meanwhile, his deadbeat brother, Gates, www.floodlightdesign.com is serving a 44-year sentence for drug dealing, a fact that the arclight locals don''t hold against Mason. 这时,只要稍不顺心,他们就会发脾气。
- I can' t hold out much hope that the weather will improve. 对于天气会变好我们不能过于乐观。
- But unlike the Grinch, he is not likely to give anything back. 但与格林奇不同的是,它不太可能还给我们任何东西。”
- Don't hold anything back. We must have the whole story. 别保密,我们必须知道整个情况。
- We mustn' t hold against him that he has been in prison. 我们不要因为他过去坐过牢而对他有偏见。
- Don't hold anything hack;you must tell me everything. 什么都不要隐瞒,你必须把一切都告诉我。
- If you can"t hold the seat back, or there is not a seat back in front of you, please bend over, and grab your ankles. 如果您的手无法抓到您前面的座椅靠背或者您的前面没有座椅,请弯下腰,双手抓住您的双脚,把头埋在双膝之中。
- Our storeroom is too small, it can hardly hold anything. 我家的储藏室太小,几乎放不了什么东西。
- Corks are hard to get back in, so opened wine doesn’t hold up well in the fridge. 瓶塞很难回来,所以开幕酒不持续向好冰箱。
- Most men are like eggs,too full of themselves to hold anything else. 大多数人都像鸡蛋,里头装满了太我“自我”,没有余地容纳别的东西啦。
- He had been my friend and now I had lost him without having had the chance to give anything back. 他一直是我的朋友,而我还没有机会回报他便失去了他。