- Dish up and drain well 盛起且沥干
- Heat wok with oil, deep-fry drumsticks until golden, dish up and drain excess oil, set aside. 烧热油镬,下鸡槌炸至金黄,盛起隔油备用。
- Devine and shell prawns.Rinse and drain well. 中虾去肠去壳,洗净,抹乾水份。
- Add peppers, XO sauce and stir well, sprinkle some Shaoxing wine, cook until sauce thickens, add a little sesame oil, dish up and serve. 下灯笼椒和XO酱炒一会,灒酒兜匀至汁收乾,加少陶秾o便可上碟。
- The emphasis of prevention and cure should be put on drainpipe and drain well. 点应放在城市排水管道的接口和下水井处。
- Heat 1/2 tbsp oil, stir fry garlic, add salmon dice and fry until golden brown, add wine, add pumpkin and zucchini dice and keep stirring, add in sauce mixture, stir well, dish up and serve hot. 烧油1/2汤匙爆香蒜头,放入三文鱼丁煎炒片刻至完全转色,赞酒,放入瓜粒炒匀后加入芡汁炒至浓稠上碟。
- Wash and parboil duck tongues in boiling water for 5 minutes. Rinse and drain well. 鸭脷洗净,放入滚水中煮5分钟,取出洗净。
- Stir fry dried shrimps, lean pork and salted turnip with 2 tbsp oil. Dish up and leave to cool. 下油二汤匙,放下虾米、瘦肉、菜脯炒熟,盛起待稍冷。
- Remove both ends from bean sprouts and blanch in boiling water for a minute.Then remove and drain well. 将豆芽头尾摘除,放入沸水中汆烫一下,取出沥干水分备用。
- Heat up some oil in the wok, saut? the beef until medium rare, dish up and leave aside. 起油镬,将腌好的牛肉加入炒至七分熟,盛起。
- Remove and drain well,then mix well with a little cooking oil. 2.Devein shrimp and rinse well. 虾仁挑除泥肠、洗净,然后在沸水中加入少许盐、料酒,放入虾仁烫熟后立即捞出浸入凉水,待凉沥干备用。
- Add sauce to wok, cook until thickened, toss with pork chops. Dish up and garnish with orange slices. 把芡汁倒进镬中煮至浓稠,放回猪扒兜匀;用碟盛起,并以鲜橙片伴碟。
- Rinse fish well and cut diagonally into slices. Soak mung bean noodles until soft and drain well. 水半锅烧开,先烫粉丝,捞出后放盘内,再将调味料加入水中,将鱼片烫熟,捞出铺在粉丝上。
- Add spring onion, stir-fry until all well-blended. Dish up and serve immediately. 放入葱段,翻炒至所有配料完全混合,盛盘上桌。
- Put in the spaghetti, light whipping cream and seasonings until the wine evaporated. Dish up and serve. 待酒蒸发后,加入煮好的三色意粉,以及淡忌廉、盐和黑胡椒调味煮滚,即可上碟。
- Blanch mung bean sprouts in boiling water for a second and remove immediately to ice water to soak.Then remove again and drain well. 绿豆芽洗净,放沸水中汆烫一下,即捞起浸入凉水,再取出沥干水分;
- He sprang up and rushed to the door. 他跳起身,跑到门口。
- The old man stared the uninvited guest up and down. 老人把不速之客上下打量了一番。
- Peel the eggplant and cut into the thick strips.Slice the garlic cloves.Bring a pot of water to boil and blanch the egg strips until cooked.Remove and drain well. 烧热油锅,入海鲜酱和蒜片炒香,倒入茄条翻炒,洒入葱花,调味后兜匀起锅。
- Sizzle the Shaoxing wine, add chicken broth, cover and cook for few minutes until done.Sprinkle deep fried garlic, dish up and serve immediately. 赞酒,倒入上汤后盖上煮数分钟,至熟即洒上炸脆蒜粒,上碟趁热享用。