- Dampness and Heat in Spleen 湿热蕴脾
- Excess dampness and heat are the enemies. 烘焙面包忌讳潮湿和高温。
- Keywords chronic gastritis;syndromes of Damp and Heat Stagnating in spleen;saliva;Metabolomics; 慢性胃炎;湿热蕴脾证;唾液;代谢组学;
- Dampness and Heat in Urinary Bladder 膀胱湿热
- Dampness and Heat in Liver Channel 肝经湿热
- Only the sun radiates light and heat in the solar system. 在太阳系中,仅有太阳放出光和热。
- And dampness and heat is its essential pathogeny, while toxins and stagnant blood are produced during its progress. 归纳了病毒性肝炎高胆红素血症的常用治法与方药;
- Results: The method of clearing away damp and heat has the effects as follows: Reduce significantly rats' ADH level in the blood. 结果清热化湿法可以调节湿热证模型大鼠血液adh释放水平。
- Macrophages and lymphocytes cells were found in spleen. 在脾脏中阳性细胞为少许淋巴细胞和巨噬细胞。
- It's damp and cold. I think it's going to rain. 空气又冷又潮,我看是要下雨了。
- Wandai Decoction, one of Fu Qingzhu's experienced formulae, is mainly used for spleen-deficiency and liver-stagnation syndrome marked by leukorrhagia due to downward flow of dampness and heat. 完带汤出自清代名医傅青主之手,主要用来治疗脾虚肝郁、湿浊下注所致的白带过多之证。
- The PDX has the abiHty to pump,mix and heat in one simple unit operation. PDX能在简单的单一容器运作中进行喷射、混合、加热。
- The heat in the tropics is oppressive. 热带气候热得难受。
- The sun sends out light and heat. 太阳发出光和热。
- Rain and heat arefactors in growing plants. 雨水和热是使植物生长的原动力。
- Everything was damp and rife and hot. 到处都那么潮湿、拥挤、闷热。
- Light and heat proceed form the sun. 光和热来自太阳。
- He could not tolerate the extremes of heat in the desert. 他忍受不住沙漠的酷热。
- Any dampness and my rheumatism will be back. 只要有一点潮湿,我的风湿病就会复发。
- Intense light and heat in the open contrasted with the coolness of shaded avenues and the interiors of buildings. 露天场所的强光和酷热;同林荫道上和建筑物内部的凉爽形成了(鲜明的)对比.