- DSP板DSP board
- 高速DSP板的开发及其在合成孔径雷达实时信号处理中的应用研究The Development of High-Speed DSP Board and its Application in Real-time Signal Processing of Synthetic Aperture Radar System
- 以微机、LH-SC16A型A/D板、SC50型D/A板以及TMS320C30A型DSP板为基础,建立了时域结构响应主动控制的主从机并行处理系统。A Master slave processing system is developed for implementing a time domain ACSR. The system is set up with personal computer, LH SC16A A/D board, SC50 D/A board, TMS320C30A DSP board and software for sampling, converting and computing, etc.
- 而采用DSP板卡(上面含有一个DSP芯片及外存),通过软件对整个系统进行调配和管理,可以极大地提高应用系统的可扩展件、可维护件及通用性。Adopting a DSP integrate plank (including a DSP CMOS chip and external storages) and using software to manage and prepare entire system can improve greatly the extension, maintenance and common of the application system.
- 白板white board
- 压板textile board
- 板机gunlock
- 小板platelet
- 石膏板plasterboard
- 单板veneer
- 涨停板raising limit
- 创业板GEM; Growth Enterprise Market
- 看板billboard
- 衬板scaleboard
- 色板colordisc
- 托板splint
- 卡板card
- 合板plywood
- 侧板lateral plate
- 插板flashboard