- DNA倍体分析DNA ploidy analysis
- FCM-DNA倍体分析FCM-DNA ploidy analysis
- 全自动DNA倍体分析Automated DNA image cytometry
- DNA倍体分析在胸腹水诊断中的价值。The value of DNA ploidy analysis by flow cytometry in diagnosis of pleural effusion and the ascitic cells.
- 胆胰液脱落细胞DNA倍体分析在诊断胆道和胰腺良恶性疾病中的价值Diagnosis value of DNA doublet analysis of falling off cells from cholangiopanc reatic drainage in the benign and malignant diseases of bile and pancrease
- 语体分析genre analysis
- 异倍体的染色体的数目不是单倍体物种的染色体的整倍数的Having a chromosome number that is not a whole-number multiple of the haploid chromosome number for that species.
- 手性体分析chiral analysis
- 四倍体种a tetraploid species.
- 植硅体分析Phytolith analysis
- C倍体colchiploid
- 最近邻体分析nearest neighbor analysis
- 双四倍体double tetraploid
- 种群扩展最近邻体分析point pattern analysis for plant population
- 超倍体hyperploid
- 喜剧小品中幽默话语的语体分析The Stylistic Analysis of the Humor Discourse in Comic Sketches
- 丹倍体monoploid
- 金属有机配体分析方法及金属组学研究Analytical Techniques for Metal-Organic Ligand and Metallomics Study
- 单性二倍体parthenogenetic diploid
- rob(13/17)纯合子猪的联会复合体分析Synaptonemal Complex Analysis of 13/17 Robertsonian Translocation in the homozygous Pigs