- Charlie Simpkins 辛普金斯
- Charlie cashed in his chips and left. 查利交进筹码兑换了现金而离去。
- Charlie gave his opponent a good dusting. 查理把他的对手打得大败。
- The main attraction was a Charlie Chaplin film. 主要的吸引物是查理·卓别林的电影
- I'm afraid old Charlie's gone home; he'd been ill for years. 恐怕老查理已不在人世,他病了好些年了。
- I hate fancy dress parties; they make me feel a proper Charlie. 我讨厌化妆舞会; 它们使我觉得自己象一个十足的笨蛋。
- He would have looked significantly at Charlie. 他一定会意味深长地看看查理。
- I haven't seen Charlie for a dog's age. 我好久没有见到查理了。
- Charlie ran away twice from his boarding school. 查理两次从寄宿学校逃跑。
- Charlie sure tied on last night. 查利昨晚真喝醉了。
- Charlie often puts me in the way of new business. 查理经常帮助我寻找一些新的生意。
- And Dick steadily refused to listen to Charlie. 迭克却始终不肯听查理的话。
- Charlie Bairstow vanished through the back door. 贝斯托便从后门溜走了。
- He looks a real charlie in that hat. 他戴那顶帽子看起来真像个傻瓜.
- Charlie become the victim of this persecution. 卓别林成为这次迫害的牺牲品。
- Is not this uncle Charlie's pizza house ? 这里不是UncleCharlie’s比萨店吗?
- In 1908,Charlie was nineteen and he fell in love. 1908年,19岁的查理堕入情网。
- This film stars Charlie Chaplin in the first part. 这部电影的第一部分由查理卓别林主演。
- Why was Charlie quietyly taking command? 为什么查理要在暗地里来摆布操纵?
- Hello Charlie, nice to meet you. 你好,charlie,很高兴见到你。