- COM技术在GIS中的应用Application of COM Technology in Geographic Information System
- 分布式计算技术在GIS中的应用研究Application of Distributed Computing Technical in GIS
- COM技术在电力系统仿真建模中的应用Application of COM technology in element modeling of power system simulation
- COM技术在报表系统中的应用Application of COM Technology in Report System
- 基于超图的数据结构及其在GIS中的应用The hyper-graph based data structure for GIS
- MRI FSE T_2和GRE T_2~*成像技术在脊椎转移瘤中的应用Evaluation of MRI in Displaying Vertebral Metastases:A Comparison between FSE T_2 and GRE T_2~
- COM技术在Web数据收集和分析中的应用Application of COM in Web Data Collection and Analysis
- 立体足迹造型与识别系统技术及在法庭诉讼中的证据作用The identification system of three-dimensional footprint model and its role as evidence in a court trial
- COM技术在测井软件开发中的应用Application of COM in Log System Software Development
- 不同类型花卉植物体营养分析及其在营养液配制中的应用Nutrition analysis of various kinds of flower plants and its application to compounding nutritive liquid
- 本文阐述了组件技术基础中的组件对象模型(COM)、分布式组件对象模型(DCOM)、对象连接与嵌入(OLE)和ActiveX技术等内容,并分析了这些技术在GIS中的应用。First of all, the thesis expatiates basic components-based software technologies, which include Components Object Model (COM), Distributed Components Object Model (DCOM), Objects Linking and Embedding (OLE), as well as ActiveX, and analyzes the application of these technologies in GIS.
- 机械制冷技术在空间遥感领域的应用与发展Development of Mechanical Cooling Technology and Its Application to Space Remote Sensing
- 陇东小麦条锈菌越夏菌量测定及在秋季病情测报中的应用Determination of the oversummering pathogens of wheat stripe rust in Eastern Gansu and its application to disease prediction in autumn
- 针对c-Met的重组腺病毒介导的siRNA技术在肝癌基因治疗中的实验研究Experimental Studies on the Gene Therapy of Hepatocellular Carcinoma by Adenovirus-delivered siRNA Targeting c-Met
- 存储在该文件中的对称密钥值将应用于报表服务器实例。The symmetric key value stored in the file is applied to the report server instance.
- 香烟主流烟雾多环芳烃检测及其在职业医学中的应用研究Determination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in cigarette mainstream smoke and its application for occupational medicine
- COM技术在软件可测试性中的应用Application of COM Technology in Improving ATS Software Testability
- 多普勒频移修正在测定直升机飞行噪声固有频率中的应用Determination of the natural frequencies in helicopter noise by Doppler frequency shifts superposition
- COM技术在规约转换软件中的应用Application of COM technique in protocol transform
- 基于中值滤波的灰色预测模型及其在大坝变形预测中的应用The gray forecast model based on median filter and its application in dam deformation forecast