- Bao Yu' s taking a beating 贾宝玉挨打
- Snail fever is taking a beating. 血吸虫病正在被根绝。
- He took a beating in the stock market. 他在股市上遭受惨重的损失。
- Martin took a beating from almost everyone. 马丁几乎受到所有人的批评。
- Let' s take a rest for the moment. 我们休息一会儿吧。
- Grandad’s taking a walk down memory lane. 爷爷在记忆的小道上散步。就是说重温往事。
- I hope he doesn't take a beating. 我希望他别赔钱。
- I' m a little bit tired. Let' s take a short rest. 我有点累了。让我们休息一会儿。
- And that included taking a beating in the fourth quarter, when it lost21.4 percent. 那还包括第四季度遭受的打击,损失百分之二下一点四。
- He took a beating inthe stock market. 他在股市上遭受惨重的损失。
- Dad's good humour had taken a beating. 爸爸的好心情被破坏了。
- The invaders took a beating wherever they went. 侵略军到处挨打。
- The ancient institution has taken a beating for long enough with fearful exposes of its scandals. 这个古老的机构随着它那些令人发指的丑闻的暴露而早已失去了信誉。
- Let’s take a look at twelve of these common denominators. 下面我们来看一看在12这些共同点。
- Let's see...Linus and Cali take a beating from the community... 让我们来看看...莱纳斯和卡利挨打的社会...
- Bound with : Lin Yaosong : Taiwan zi ran bao yu de tui shou. 林曜松:台湾自然保育的推手.
- Share prices on the London Stock Exchange took a beating last week. 伦敦股票交易所的股价上周受到重创。
- Now, let’s take a look at how powerful these Google Webmaster Tools are. 让我们来看看谷歌的网站管理员工具功能究竟有多强大吧。
- His crowning glory is thinning, and his self-esteem is taking a beating. 他那引以为豪的头发正在变得稀疏,他的自尊心正在经受打击。
- All the family m ember s took a dim view of his rash action. 所有家庭成员都反对他的轻率举动。