- 网络network
- BP网络技术BP net technique
- 网络技术network technology
- 网络连接network connections
- 应用BP人工神经网络技术划分水土流失等级Dividing of Soil and Water Loss Grade with BP Artificial Neural Network
- BP网络BP network
- 计算机网络技术computer networking technology
- GA-BP网络GA-BP network
- 基于BP网络的电动汽车用无刷直流电机转矩角控制技术研究Study of Torque Angle Control Based on BP Neural Network for Brushless DC Motor Applied to Electric Vehicles
- 神经网络技术在基于油液分析的发动机磨损诊断中的应用Application of Neutral Network Technique in Engines Wear Fault Diagnosis Based on Oil Analysis
- 综合BP网络composite BP network
- BP网络模型BP network model
- TCN网络技术TCN network technology
- 商展网络技术Trade Show of Network Technologies
- 集成BP网络integratedd BP network
- 合成BP网络CBP networks
- SDH网络技术SDH network technology
- P2P网络技术P2P
- DTM网络技术DTM Network Technology
- 从陕西省药检所的实践看计算机网络技术在药检工作中的应用A Discussion on the Application of IT in Drug Quality Control Based on Practice of Shanxi Provincial Institute for Drug Control