- The dislocation free crystal growth based on heavily B doped seeds without Dash necking was introduced. The mechanical properties, the oxygen and the void defects of heavily B doped Czochralski silicon were also discussed. 主要内容包括重掺B硅单晶的基本性质 ,利用重掺B籽晶进行无缩颈硅单晶生长技术 ,重掺B硅单晶的机械性能 ,重掺B硅单晶中的氧和氧沉淀 ,以及B的大量掺杂与大直径直拉硅单晶中空洞型 (Void)原生缺陷的控制关系。
- On the even and smooth pure diamond, covered filmed optional growing technology is used to direction-fixed deposit four B doped diamond resistance to form Wegence electric bridge to prepare the self-compensated pressure sensor CMOS chip. 在平整、光滑本征金刚石膜上,利用掩膜法选择性生长技术,定向沉积4个掺硼金刚石膜电阻,形成惠斯顿电桥,制成自补偿压力传感器芯片。
- Keywords graphite intercalation compounds,intercalate,stage,diamond,B doping,high pressure and high temperature; 石墨层间化合物;插层;阶;金刚石;硼掺杂;高温高压;
- In English, b, p, m and w are bilabials. 英语中的b、p、m、w为双唇音。
- C comes after B in the alphabet. 在字母表中C接在B后面。
- B:When shall I report to the Doping Control Station? 什么时候到检查站报到?
- The "b" in "comb" is not sounded. comb这个词里的"b"是不发音的。
- The old woman does not know from A to B. 这位老太太一字不识。
- B comes before C in the alphabet. B在字母表里排在C之前。
- Line A is four times the length of line B. 线条
- B doping 硼离子掺杂
- B:Thank you for your congratulations. Who will take the doping test? 谢谢。哪些人要接受兴奋剂检查?
- Many letters in the alphabet such as b, c, d, etc are consonants. 字母表中的许多字母像b,c,d,等等都是辅音字母。
- B, c, d, f, etc. are consonants. B,c,d,f等都是辅音字母。
- Mr A had called out Mr B for his abusive words. B先生辱骂了A先生,A先生要求和他决斗。
- Student B: Tug of war by ten thousands people? 学生乙:万人拔河?
- Team A beat team B (by a score of) two to one. 甲队以二比一胜乙队。
- Some vitamin B and C will build up your resistance. 吃些维他命B和C能增强你的抵抗力。
- A:Don't say that! B: Yes, I will. 甲:别那么说!乙:不,我就是要说。
- If A equals B and B equals C,the A equals C. 如果A等于B,而B等于C,那么A也等于C。“x=y”