- 缺血时小猪心肌细胞中AMP脱氨酶对核酸代谢的影响AMP deaminase in piglet cardiac myocytes: effect on nucleotide metabolism during ischemia
- AMP脱氨酶AMP deaminase
- 肌AMP脱氨酶缺乏Muscle AMP deaminase deficiency
- 红细胞AMP脱氨基酶缺乏症erythrocyte AMP deaminase deficiency
- 外周血胞苷脱氨酶活性检测对类风湿关节炎活动期的意义The clinical significance of the determination of serum cytidine deaminase in patients with active rheumatoid arthritis
- ACC脱氨酶ACC deaminase
- 腺苷脱氨酶及结核抗体在结核性胸水诊断中的临床价值探讨Clinical Value of Adenosine Deaminase and Anti-tubercle Bacillus Antibody in Diagnosis of Tuberculous Hydrothorax
- 乳酸脱氨酶LDH
- ACC脱氨酶细菌ACC deaminase bacteria
- ACC脱氨酶基因ACC deaminase gene
- 肺结核患者外周血腺苷脱氨酶活性与淋巴细胞的相关性研究Relevance of peripheral blood adenosine deaminase and the lymphocyte absolute value with pulmonary tuberculosis patients
- 脱氨酶deaminase
- 活化诱导胞嘧啶核苷脱氨酶基因多态性与儿童哮喘的关系Association between activation-induced cytidine deaminase gene polymorphism and asthma in children
- ADP脱氨酶ADP deaminase
- ATP脱氨酶ATP deaminase
- 丝氨酸脱氨酶serine deaminase
- 辅脱氨酶codeaminase
- 脱氨(基)酶deaminase
- 脱氨[基]酶deaminase
- 胞核嘧啶核苷脱氨酶cytidine deaminase