- ADSL系统中的RS编译码RS Code And Decode In ADSL System
- 长距离电缆高速数据通讯系统中的RS译码算法的DSP实现Principle and DSP Implementation of RS Code Decoding For CDCS-2K
- 对那套银行系统中最糟糕的一些问题,我有过亲身体验。I had experience at first hand of the worst aspects of that banking system.
- 155Mb/S高速光纤区域网中的线路编译码Line Encoding and Decoding for 155 Mb/s High Speed Optical Fiber Local Area Network
- 主要管道输送水、天然气、石油系统中的主要管道或沟渠或其他公用事业设备The principal pipe or conduit in a system for conveying water, gas, oil, or other utility.
- MIMO系统中的分组全分集全码率空时编码Group-wise Full Diversity Full Rate space-time coding for MIMO system
- 一种为改善系统性能和提高稳定性而加入反馈控制系统中的装置。A device introduced into a feedback control system to improve performance and achieve stability.
- GPS系统中的P码产生与特性分析Generation and Its Characteristics Analysis for GPS P-Code
- 远距离高频无源射频IC卡读写系统中双相间隔码的编解码方法A Coding- Decoding Method for Bi- phase Space Coding in Far Distance High Frequency Non- energy RFID IC Read- write System
- 亲液的胶体系统中的胶体媒质和分离媒质的强烈吸引特性的Characterized by strong attraction between the colloid medium and the dispersion medium of a colloidal system.
- 沉淀使灌溉系统中的发射器发生被阻塞。Emitters on trickle system can be blocked by precipatate.
- 带有此系统中的单独单位,如抽水站a single unit,such as a pumping station,within such a system
- 电力远动监测系统中的信号检测方法The methods for detecting signal in the system of electric power remote monitoring
- 数字调制技术及其在BOX系统中的应用Digital modulating technique and its application to BOX system
- 论区域可持续发展系统中的环境因素On the Environmental Factor of the Regional Sustainable Development System
- 系统中的处理器通过通信网络连接。The processors in the system are connected through a communication network.
- 总线和PLC在隧道群监控系统中的实现The realization of OMRON Control Link and PLC in real-time control system in High-way Tunnels
- 办公自动化系统中的收发文管理模型Document transferring management model in office automation system
- 亚微观分子团,如胶粒系统中的一小液滴a submicroscopic aggregation of molecules,as a droplet in a colloidal system
- FU链运机在粉煤灰输送系统中的使用Experience of substituting pneumatic conveying equipment with FU chain conveyer