- The north ern part of Alabama is described as driest in about 100 years. 阿拉巴马的北部地区被认为正处于近百年来最为干旱的时期。
- Rubik's Cube, called magic box, Budapest, Hungary School of Architecture Professor Ern?Rubik invented in 1974. 魔方,又叫魔术方块,是匈牙利布达佩斯建筑学院鲁比克教授在1974年发明的。
- In south ern Alabama and northern Tennessee, farmers also suffered through a dry period last year. 在阿拉巴马的南部和田纳西的北部,农场主们同样在过去的一年遭受着干旱的痛苦。
- The new historical course standard has been strengthened to the conc ern that studies the course and method. 新的历史课程标准加强了对学习过程与方法的关注。
- "The arrest order has come through," he said."I am to detain you, Lorian Nod, by order of Minister Ciran Ern. “逮捕令已经通过了,”他说,“你被逮捕了,Lorian,这是总统下的命令。”
- Verglichen mit Deutschland, die Chinesen lachung ?u?ern sich in der Konnotation komplizierter. 与德国人相比,中国人的笑所表达的内涵更为复杂。
- It adopts strengthened concrete columns that38frame columns of1st floor underground to24th floor above ground of Beijing SOHO Mod ern City A Wing. 北京SOHO现代城A座地下1层至24层的38根框架边柱,采用劲性混凝土柱。
- Voluntarism is one of the main streams of modern West ern philosophy, and it is the origination of modern Western irrational philosoph y. 唯意志论是现代西方主流哲学之一,是现代西方非理性主义哲学的滥觞。
- Unit reflectivity inhomogeneous (ERN) reflects on a bar code symbol deink, bugs such as the stains on/empty local reflectivity. 单位不直射率否平均度(ERN)反响了条码标记上脱墨、污不不不面等弊端不不对条/不满局部的不直射率变成的感化。
- In1863, th eNor th ern andSou th ernforc esfigh t a tG e t tysburgin th ed ecisiv eb a t tl eof th eAm eric anCivilW ar. 一八六三年七月一日,十五万名士兵在命运安排下,相会于美国的盖兹堡;他们各自为了理想中的民主政治抛头颅洒热血,结果,有三分之一的人倒于寂静的麦田中;
- The positive rates of cytoplasmic ER(ERc), ERn (nucleus ER),PgRc and PgRn were 0,6. 1%,12.1% and 63. 3% respectively. Most of the tumor samples had no detectable ER. 脑膜瘤性激素受体的阳性率:EK_c为0;ER_n为6.;1%25;PR_c为12
- Of these, 25 cases (40.9%) were ERn positive, 36 cases (59.1%) negative, 21 cases (34.4%) both ERn and ERc positive and 18 cases (29.5%) both ERn and ERc negative. 36例ERn~((-))占59.;1%25;同时与胞浆受体(ERc)进行了比较。 ERc、ERn皆为阳性占34
- The bright sun was setting gradually to the complete disappearance behid the west ern hills and the roaring rapids in the Yellow River were surging towards the vast sea. 站得愈高,看得愈远,人生也是这样。只有不断攀登,不断进取,不断以更高的标准要求自己,才能在思想上达到愈来愈高的境界,在事业上取得愈来愈高的成就。
- Location: The kingdom of Swaziland is a land-locked country in southeast ern Africa, bordered by South Africa to the north, west, south and south-east, and Mozambique to the east. 国旗:长方形旗面。旗中间为一紫红色长方形,上下分别饰有黄色窄条。旗地上部和下部均为蓝色长方形,全旗以紫红色居中,从里到外以黄、蓝两色对称排列。
- The varied knowledge expressions,such as the compound belief networks,the automatic identifying faults knowledge and multiple in ference patt ern,are also put forwared. 提出复合嵌套概率推理网络多种知识表达方式、故障知识的自动识别处理及多推理方式并存的推理机制等系统特点。通过诊断实例,验证了系统诊断的可行性。
- "This is all we need to end this reign of terror," Cilia said."We can go straight to Minister Ciran Ern and tell him that the Annihilator is a hoax.He'll disband the Guardians. “现在我们要做的就是结束恐怖统治,”Cilia说,“我们可以直接去找CiranErn部长,告诉他Annihilator只是一个骗局,他一定会解散卫队的。”
- Uncle Ern is on his deathbed. 厄恩叔叔快要去世了。
- The amount of cytoplasmatic estrogen receptor (ERc) and nuclear estrogen receptor (ERn) was determined simultaneously in 61 tissue specimens of primary breast cancer with 0.6 M KCl technic. 本文使用0.;6M KC1法对61例原发性乳腺癌的组织测定核受体(ERn)。 结果;25例ERn~((+))占40
- The authors also found that ERc positive patients tend to show higher ERn positive rate, while ERn negative patients more often than not are accompanied by lower ERn positive rate. 皆为阴性占29.;5%25。 另外;我们发现ERc、ERn之间的关系趋向于胞浆受体阳性患者;其核亦可为阳性;而胞浆受体阴性者;核受体阳性却为少见现象。
- The content of ERc, ERn, PRc and PRn in vicious ovari an tumor are higher than those of benign tumor, moreover, the content of ERn and PRn were higher than that of ERc and PRc in vicious ovarian tumor. 恶性卵巢肿瘤组织中 ,ERc、ERn、PRc、PRn免疫组化阳性率均高于卵巢良性肿瘤。