- 高抗灰迹KTP晶体high gray-tracking resistance KTP crystals
- 本文利用凸 -ARR非稳腔产生的皮秒光脉冲比较和研究了KTP和BBO晶体的倍频转换效率 ,分析KTP灰迹形成对转换效率的影响。Using a pico-second laser pulse generated by a convex-ARR unstable resonator Nd:YAG laser to study the SHG of the KTP and BBO crystals. The influence of KTP gray tracking on the SH conversion efficiencies is analyzed.
- KTP晶体KTP crystal
- 结果指出 :在较低的激光功率下 (小于KTP灰迹产生阈值 )KTP的转换效率高于BBO晶体 ;It shows that at lower power density (below the threshold of KTP gray-tracking),the SH efficiency in KTP is higher than that in BBO crystal;
- 不费吹灰之力as easy as blowing off dust - not needing the slightest effort
- 狗闻到了狐狸的臭迹。The dog snuffed the scent of the fox.
- 吹灰之力just little effort
- 双KTPdouble KTP
- 那个男孩会做晶体收音机。The boy can make crystal sets.
- 吹灰器sootblower
- KTP激光KTP laser
- 包缝针迹用这种针法缝的边儿A stitch made in this manner.
- 清灰soot cleaning
- 水热法KTPhydrothermal KTP
- 谐波晶体振子overtone crystal unit
- 我们用一个关于有向重图中尤拉迹的引理来证明这个定理。We shall deduce the result from a lemma about Euler trails in directed multigraphs.
- 灰黑greyish black
- 熔盐法KTPflux KTP
- A扫迹A trace
- Y晶体Y-crystal