- 长long
- 长的full-bottomed
- 长大grow up
- 长达extend as long as
- 长短length
- 斗士古铜色的脸膛顿时涨得通红。A blush mantled over the bronzed cheek of the gladiator.
- 最长longest
- 姐姐从洗衣盆抬起红脸膛望着他。His sister lifted a flushed face from the wash-tub and looked at him
- 长靴boot
- 他整理了头发,脸膛通红,还有几块白斑。His hair was combed and his face was red with white patches.
- 很长时间for ages
- 袖长sleeve length
- 长时间的long-playing
- 长时间yonks
- 最长的first born
- 长出outshoot
- 店长shopkeeper
- 长胖gather flesh
- 长片feature film
- 长时long term