- 通过AVS、xDSL部署IPTVIPTV Arrangement through AVS & xDSL
- 不通过unthread
- 再通过repass
- 部队的部署the disposition of the troops
- 议案勉强通过了。The bill passed by a narrow squeak.
- 我们未能通过谆谆教诲使学生们热爱知识。We failed to inculcate students with love of knowledge.
- "通过" 分类法pass sorting
- 败军在轭门下通过。The defeated army passed under the yoke.
- 奥利佛勉强通过了法语考试。Oliver squeaked through the French examination.
- 他勉强通过了数学考试。He shaved through the math exam.
- 水通过沙滤可以变清。Water can be purified by filtration through sand.
- 他强行通过人群。He forced a passage through the crowd.
- 报告已由委员会批准通过。The committee has passed the report.
- 国王准许他们通过他的领土。The king granted them passage through his realm.
- 这项决议案被一致通过。The resolution was approved without dissent.
- 外因通过内因而起作用。External causes become operative through internal causes.
- 他通过了德文口试。He passed his German oral exam.
- 通过方式pass-through mode
- 国会通过了一项新的破产法。The Congress passed a new bankruptcy law.
- 休会的提议通过了。The motion to adjourn was carried.