- 远东及国内LPG市场分析The Market Analysis of LPG in the Far East of Asia and China
- 远东及太平洋周边East Asia and Pacific Rim
- 从国内LPG船舶现状谈做好LPG船舶载运危险货物安全专项整治About the special safety control action against LPG ships carrying dangerous goods on the basis of the present status of LPG ships in the country
- 国内外盐资源及国内原盐市场概况Salt resources at home and abroad and domestic crude-salt market survey
- 远东及大洋州农业参考资料Agricultural Data Book for the Far East and Oceania
- 华东和华南地区的LPG市场价格一度突破5000元/吨大关,东北地区下海的LPG价格突破4500元/吨,东北地区内也达到3800元/吨。The price of LPG CIF (Northeast China) exceeded RMB4500/ t and hit RMB3800/t even inside the Northeast.
- 远东及大洋州农业参考资料;Agricultural Data Book for the Far East and Oceania;
- 轮胎气压监测系统分析及国内发展建议Analysis About Tire Pressure Monitoring System and its Developing Suggestions Inside the Country
- 具备优秀的市场分析、业务拓展能力,积极主动开拓市场;Provided with outstanding capabilities in market analysis as well as in business developing; initiative with work.
- 作为东道主,你们如何准备远东及太平洋残运会的?As a host country, how have you prepared for the FESPIC?
- 市场分析法market comparison approach
- PVC热稳定剂及国内发展现状Present Situation and Prospect of PVC Heat Stabilizer
- 旅游市场分析analysis of tourist market
- 因此,在我做学生时,我跑过货运,驾驶过去远东及南太平洋的大型运输船、油轮和客轮。"So as a student, I made cargo runs, navigating large freighters, oil tankers and passenger ships to the Far East and the South Pacific. "
- 本文介绍了生产EPS(可发性聚苯乙烯)的工艺及国内生产现状和应用前景。The paper introduced the technique,situation in our country and development of EPS
- 电力市场分析electricity market analysis
- 第6届远东及南太平洋残疾人运动会结束了,作为东道国,你们是怎样准备这一盛会的?The 6th Far East & South Pacific Games for the Disabled (FESPIC)-closed. As the host country,how had you prepared for the FESPIC?
- 数控机床的发展趋势及国内发展现状Development Tendency and Present Status of Computer Numerical Control Machine Tool
- 石油市场分析oil market analysis