- 电子资源MLA引用格式.Electronic Sources: MLA Style of Citation---
- 论文的MLA引用格式MLA citations format for term paper
- 学期中途,将发给大家一篇论文的结论部分,据此写出该论文的题目及摘要。Midway through the semester you will be given the results section of a paper and asked to write a title and abstract appropriate for the article.
- 这些来源以一定的引用格式和下列已建好的风格被列出,如MLA(现代语言联合会),APA(美国心理联合会)或芝加哥时尚指南。These sources are listed in citation format and follow an established style, such as MLA (Modern Language Association), APA (American Psychological Association) or Chicago Manual of Style.
- 在论文的结尾部分对整个新型宽量程真空计的设计进行了总结。At the end of the paper we summarize the design of the new wide-range vacuum gauge.
- 电子文献引用格式应当包括 :作者 ,全文的标题 (文件名 ) ,统一资源定位符即 URL。The author thinks that the citation format of electronic publications should include author, full text title (file name), universal resource locator (URL).
- 中国心理学会第八届、第九届全国心理学学术会议论文的研究报告A Research Report on the Dissertations of the Eighth and the Ninth Chinese Academic Conference of Psychology
- 论文格式需符合MLA标准。Essays must conform to MLA standards.
- 为确保所有关于法律的出版物及写作都有统一的引用格式,在美国对法律资源的引用大多都遵从统一引用体系.To ensure uniformity in citation styles for all law-related publications or writings, most citation to legal sources in the United States follows the Uniform System of Citation.
- 有必要抑制下载论文的势头。There is a need for a curb on downloading papers.
- MLA格式指南及学术出版准则MLA style manual and guide to scholarly publishing
- 教授叫他提出论文的大纲。The professor asked him to present the bare bones of his thesis.
- 你应该计算一下论文的页数。You should number the pages of the thesis.
- 提供论文的概述,提出论文的论点和精华,也可以包括重要的细节。Generalize the paper, present ideas and findings, may include details.
- 只要索引清晰完整,可以使用任意引用系统(现代语言学会(MLA)文体,芝加哥格式手册,法律引用部分)。You may use any citation system that you wish (MLA parenthetical reference style, Chicago Manual of Style, legal citation), as long as your references are clear and complete.
- 她三次重写她的学位论文的提纲才被通过She rewrote the prospectus of her dissertation three times before it was approved.
- 仔细斟酌论文的措辞to wrestle over the wording of the paper
- 论文的主旨the backbone of a thesis.
- 论文的主旨。The backbone of a thesis.
- 论文的第一部分the first instalment of a paper