- 表不属于同一DataSet。The tables don't belong to the same DataSet.
- 如果这些对象不属于同一类,则结果不确定。If the objects are not of the same class, the results are undefined.
- 关系和行不属于同一个表。The relation and row do not belong to the same table.
- 即使表不包含行,在调用Clear方法后也始终会激发该事件。This event is always fired when the Clear method is invoked, even if the table contains zero rows.
- "你当然认识他喽?" "不大认识。他毕竟不属于我们这儿的老派正统的小圈子。""You know him, of course?" "Not to speak to. After all, he's hardly of our square little circle down here."
- 如果您拥有的"漫游访问"简要表不在本计算机上,请选择"宾客"。If you have a roaming Access profile which does not exist on this computer, choose Guest.
- 英语与汉语不属于同一语系。The English language is not allied to the Chinese.
- 位次注:本表不包括城乡集体和个人投资,各省数不包括跨区投资。Note: Investment of urban and rural collective-owned units and individuals is not included in this table. Data of each province excludes investment of trans-regions.
- 他们不属于同一血统。They are not of the same family relationship.
- 啊,我的表是两点过五分,但是靠不住,因为最近几天这表不是快就是慢。Well, my watch says five past two, but it's no use relying on it, because it has been gaining and losing these last few days.
- 每天放学后这位老师都帮助学生复习功课,尽管这不属于他的职责范围。The teacher helped students after school every day, even though it was above and beyond the call of duty.
- 修改样式表不会对在报表服务器上运行的已发布报表的外观产生任何影响。Modifying style sheets has no effect on the appearance of published reports that you run on a report server.
- 如果不属于同一Exchange组织的发送服务器和接收服务器之间存在循环,也可能会生成此未送达报告。This non-delivery report can also be caused if a looping condition exists between sending and receiving servers that are not in the same Exchange organization.
- 该代表团认为,比较表不是现实的选择,因为要达到完美需要更多的时间和辩论。It thought that the comparative table was not a realistic option, since trying to reach perfection was going to take more time and debate.
- 如果所引用的表不是发布的一部分,则不会复制已发布表的任何FOREIGN KEY约束。If the referenced table is not part of a publication, all FOREIGN KEY constraints on a published table are not replicated.
- 学习任何语言都需要很长的时间和巨大的努力,而学习一门跟你的母语不属于同一语系的语言,尤其艰辛不易。Learning any foreign language takes a long time and a great deal of effort, but learning one that belongs to a different language family from your mother tongue is especially hard.
- 三相三线制电能表不停电检查误接线Checking Misconnection of Three - phase Three - wire Watt - hour Meter Lively
- 凡是跟你“称兄道弟”的家伙,通常总在打算从你那儿弄到些不属于他自己的东西。The fellow that calls you "brother" generally wants something that doesn't belong to him.
- 我的表不滴答作响,因为它是电子表。My watch doesn't tick because it's electronic.
- 因此,不属于以上三种推销活动的推销活动都被认为是促销。As such, any promotional activities that do not fall under the other three activities of the promotion mix are considered sales promotion