- 单神经元PID控制a single neuron PID control
- 神经元PID控制neural PID control
- 单神经元PID控制对挖掘机液压泵控制的仿真Simulation of Hydraulic Pump Control Using Single Nerve Cell PID
- 基于变尺度优化方法的神经元PID控制及应用Neuron PID control and application based on DEF method
- 神经元PIDPID neutral network
- 非对称缸电液伺服系统的改良单神经元PID控制Application of PID Controller Using Reformed Single Neuron in Asymmetric Cylinder Electro-hydraulic Servo System
- 免疫单神经元PIDimmune single-neuron PID
- PID控制PID control
- 单神经元PIDsingle neuron PID
- 基于PID控制的主动磁轴承-飞轮转子系统运动稳定性研究Study on Dynamic Stability of Flywheel Rotor Supported by AMB Based on PID Controller
- 神经元PID控制器neuron PID controller
- 改进PID控制advanced PID control
- 单神经元PID控制器永磁同步电机调速系统Drive System based on Single Neuron PID Controller
- 模糊PID控制fuzzy PID control
- 一种单神经元PID自适应控制器的仿真研究The Simulation Study of Single Neuron PID Adaptive Controller
- PID控制算法PID control algorithm
- 专家PID控制expert PID control
- 基于单神经元PID控制器在渠道自动控制中的应用Application of neural network PID controller for canal control system
- 流量PID控制flux control
- 常规PID控制conventional PID control