- 溶解性惰性CODsoluble inert COD
- 含美罗华方案治疗B细胞性惰性淋巴瘤34例报告Efficacy of Rituximab-containing Regimens on Indolent B-cell Lymphoma--a Report of 34 Cases
- 惰性CODinert COD
- 非溶解性CODinsoluble COD
- 不溶解性indissolubility
- 溶解性solubility
- 黄浦江原水中的溶解性有机物是造成膜过滤阻力的重要因素。The major factor causing resistance in membrane filtration is dissolving organic matter in raw water.
- 致溶解性lysogeny
- 不溶解性的infusible
- 溶解性糖dissolved sugars
- 溶解性的resolvable
- 溶解性试验dissolubility test
- 溶解性有机碳dissolved organic carbon (DOC)
- 溶解性硅DSi
- 溶解性EPSsoluble EPS
- 溶解性阿司匹林soluble aspirin
- 牙质溶解性Dentin solubility
- 气体溶解性gaseous solubility
- 溶解性固体dissolved solid
- 溶解性纤维disappearing fibre