- 此示例将ASCII文件This example reads the contents of the ASCII file
- 此示例将隐藏任何文件夹、共享和服务器中扩展名为.dbf的任何文件的规格错误。This example suppresses the specification error for any file with the extension. Dbf in any folder, on any share, and from any server.
- 对于ASCII文件,您可以指定文件的字段分隔符、转义字符、是否应包括尾随空白,以及文件的编码。For ASCII files, you can specify the field delimiter for the file, as well as the escape character, whether trailing blanks should be included, and the encoding for the file.
- 请注意,此示例将鼠标指针放在Outlook邮件中的链接上之后,在具有黄色背景的框中显示其他数字Internet地址。Notice in this example that resting the pointer on the link in an Outlook message reveals another numeric Internet address in the box with the yellow background.
- 在此hereon
- 但可以利用Windows环境中字体文件包含的音标字符的点阵定义,再将ASCII码段中不用于特殊控制的字符0x0F到0x19重定义为音标字符的点阵,解决了在UCDOS下显示国际音标的技术难点.With the utilization of IPA characters lattice already included in Windows font file,the ASCII characters can be redefined from 0x0F to 0x19 as IPA characters lattice,because these characters are not used for special controlling. The technical problem in displaying IPA characters in UCDOS is solved.
- 此示例数据库的实体关系图表即出现在“关系”窗口中。The entity relationship diagram for the sample database appears in the Relationships window.
- 以下示例将系统The following example sets the system
- 文中提出了一种地形图数据转换方法,即通过外部文件转换,先将MicrostationJ的数据提ASCII码,再将ASCII码文件转换成AutoCAD2000的图形文件,从而完成MicrostationJ与AutoCAD2000的数据转换。Firstly transforming Microstation J data to ASCII code. Secondly transforming ASCII code to AutoCAD2000 graphic file. Thus bring to success data transforming between Microstation J and AutoCAD2000. This method is simple and credible.
- 此示例假定This example assumes that the
- 下面的示例将删除The following example deletes all rows in the
- 此示例提供一组使用This sample provides a set of forms that use the
- 以下示例将删除AdventureWorks数据库的所有警告阈值和保持期。The following example drops all of the warning thresholds and the retention period of the AdventureWorks database.
- 此示例停止记录命令。This example stops logging commands.
- 下面的示例将NewDateTime设置为1978年5月6日上午8:30差十分之一秒The following example sets NewDateTime to May 6, 1978 at one tenth of a second before 8:30 in the morning
- 此示例中使用的发布是在安装用于合并复制的销售订单示例时创建的。The publication used by this sample is created when you install the Sales Orders Sample for Merge Replication.
- 此示例使用NPV函数返回数组Values()中包含的一系列现金流的净现值。This example uses the NPV function to return the net present value for a series of cash flows contained in the array Values().
- 以下过程中使用的示例将工作簿发布到报告中心网站的“报告”库中。The example used in the following procedure publishes a workbook to the Reports library of the Report Center site.
- 下面的代码示例将选择的The following code example assigns the selected
- 此示例包含三个拖放示例。This sample has three examples of drag-and-drop.