- 新型淀粉酶DMA-160New AmylaseDMA--160
- 淀粉酶DMA-160new amylase DMA- 160
- 新型new type
- 新型的late-model
- 淀粉酶amylase
- 实用新型utility model
- 实用新型专利patent of utility model
- DMA控制器DMA controller
- 他发明了一种新型听诊器。He invented a new type of stethoscope.
- 体重等级中等的一种(拳击手147磅-160磅)。of middle weight or of a middleweight category (147-160 lbs for boxers).
- α淀粉酶α-amylase
- 酶DMAenzyme DMA
- β淀粉酶β-amylase
- 创新型innovative
- DMA通道DMA Channel
- β-淀粉酶β-amylase
- 双核DMAdual-core DMA
- 新型材料new materials
- 阿尔法淀粉酶Alpha amylase
- DMA传输DMA transfer